Kahn Academy Changing education for the better by providing a FREE world-class education to anyone anywhere. Click here to watch a video on Kahn Academy!
ASYNCHRONOUS Digital Textbook Summer Academy Reverse Instruction Virtual Tutor Enrichment Courses in Blended- Learning Math Remediation SYNCHRONOUS Differentiated Instruction Teaching Assistant Substitute Teacher Snow Days Motivational Tool
Differentiating Instruction Using Kahn The three key elements of differentiated instruction are: Content- refers to the curricular materials to be learned by the students Process - consists of the activities through which students develop their knowledge Product - array of options through which students can demonstrate what they have learned
Course Content In a typical classroom the teacher has total control of course content (not always a good thing) Kahn provides a student centered learning platform for the students to be in complete control over what they learn If the student wants to move along at a slower or faster pace they are encouraged to do so
Process Teacher led instruction One on one Kahn’s Videos Part of the process is that the students knows their particular strength and weaknesses. The knowledge map provides a unique visual to help aide in
Product- How can the students demonstrate proficiency
Summary Free web-based program that enhances student achievement Kahn Academy allows teachers to challenge some students and help others that need that little extra push. Allows students to be take full control of their education Provides data to students, parents, teachers and administration