European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD Virtual Institutes Thematic Network contract Virtual Institutes Thematic Network contract
European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD Responsibilities of participants u Coordinator è intermediary with Commission H submission of reports/cost statements H membership agreement responsibility è administrative and financial aspects H receive and distribute funds H general supervision H inform Commission of budget transfers H report on use of financial resources u NO subcontracting of coordination I Contractual aspects
European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD Responsibilities of participants u Principal Contractors è joint and several liability to Commission for carrying out the project è right to own results generated and to use all project results è obligation to protect and disseminate their results è obligation to pass on EC funds to members è intermediaries between coordinator and members signatories of contract with EC u Subcontractors are not participants II Contractual aspects
European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD Responsibilities of participants u Members è membership agreement with principal contractor H do not sign contract with EC è principal contractors are technically and financially responsible for members (audit) è no joint and several liability to Commission è right to own results they have generated and to use the project results è obligation to protect and disseminate results they own H Members are participants III Contractual aspects
European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD Eligible costs eligible costs are reimbursed on the basis of actual expenditure incurred during the project duration u Personnel è Scientific and technical personnel è for administrative, management and coordination H no research work costs H administrative and other personnel covered by overhead charge IV Contractual aspects
European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD Eligible costs u Subcontracting è 20% or > 100,000 EURO requires EC approval è EC approval also required for third country subcontractors (unless in technical annex) è awarded in accordance with usual procedures è copies of invoices in cost statements è no subcontracting of coordination V Contractual aspects
European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD Eligible costs u Travel è travel outside EU and Associated States or country of participant requires EC prior approval è short term stays between participants possible (three months maximum) è meetings between participants, to participants and invitation of experts to meetings è costs determined by usual rules of the participant u Computing è use of computer services and media at the disposal of the participants VI Contractual aspects
European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD Eligible costs Other specific costs è if related to coordination of the research associated with the project may be charged: H supply, preparation and selection work (eg. exchange of reference materials) H organising meetings of some or all participants (but not travel or personnel costs of participants as charged elsewhere) H publications, dissemination by any medium of information regarding the project H financial guarantees set up at the request of the Commission VII Contractual aspects
European Commission Virtual Institutes Workshop--28 September Thematic network contracts Megan Richards DG RTD VIII Contractual aspects u Overheads Flat rate of 20% of all direct costs (excluding subcontracting) Eligible costs & all other specific costs require prior approval of Commission