Public sector PR Mixit Podcast Simon Wakeman Medway Council
MP3 file
Google search
11 million people in UK Source: BRMB, 2006
80% of podcast listeners? Source: TDG Group, March 2006
Source: BBC, June 2007
1.9 million adults Source: RAJAR/Broadcast Now Aug 06
“networked generation” Source: Ofcom, August 2006
Source: comScore, October 2006
Create a new two-way communication channel for young people in Medway Get young people actively involved in producing the podcast Help the organisation learn about podcasting as a communications tool objectives
our kit
mixit podcast
results so far downloads for each show
results so far positive face to face feedback
results so far limited direct responses
results so far total budget of £340
results so far hours staff time per show
why podcast? what we’ve learnt
resources what we’ve learnt
is the organisation ready? what we’ve learnt
accessibility what we’ve learnt
IT department what we’ve learnt
audience engagement what we’ve learnt
promoting the podcast what we’ve learnt
any questions?
+44 (0) © Medway Council 2007 contact details