Constraints and Views Chap. 3-5 continued (7 th ed. 5-7)
Integrity constraints in Oracle Insert, delete or update can violate a referential integrity constraint A NOT NULL constraint –prohibits a database value from being null. A unique constraint – –allows some values to be null. A primary key constraint –combines a NOT NULL constraint and a unique constraint in a single declaration. A foreign key constraint –requires values in one table to match values in another table. A check constraint –requires a value in the database to comply with a specified condition.
Check Constraint CREATE TABLE Persons ( P_Id int NOT NULL, LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL, FirstName varchar(255), Address varchar(255), City varchar(255), State char(2), CONSTRAINT chk_Person CHECK (P_Id>0 AND State = ‘AL’) )
Violation of Integrity Constraints What operations can violate integrity constraints? –Insert –delete –update
Violation of Integrity Constraints If any constraints are violated, the insert, delete, update is rejected Unless...
Qualified options for Violation SQL allows qualified options to be specified for the foreign key - on delete or update (includes insert) –Set null –Cascade –Set default Not all options available in Oracle –In Oracle, Set null and Cascade on delete are available So what is affected by this? –SQLServer also allows on delete and on update
Oracle If do not include ON DELETE clause –then Oracle does not allow you to delete referenced key values in the parent table that have dependent rows in the child table. –This means the delete is rejected If include ON DELETE –Specify SET NULL if you want Oracle to convert dependent foreign key values to NULL. –Specify CASCADE if you want Oracle to remove all tuples with dependent foreign key values.
Example of cascade create table casc (id int unique, age int not null, dno int, constraint fk foreign key (dno) references department (dnumber) on delete cascade); Examples
Relational Views A view - a virtual table that is derived from other tables (base tables or can be another view) A view can be used to simplify frequent queries e.g. a join condition A view does not necessarily exist in physical form There is no limit on querying a view (limits on an update to a view) Views are useful for security and authorization mechanisms
Create View View attribute names are inherited from other tables If aggregate functions are the result of arithmetic operations, they must be renamed Views can be defined using other views
Create view CREATE VIEW view_name [(col1 {, col2})] AS SELECT col1 {, col2} FROM (table1| view1) {, table2 | view2} WHERE search_condition
Multiple table views To create a view from multiple tables Create View Works_on1 As Select fname, lname, pname, hours From Employee, Project, Works_on Where ssn = essn and pno = pnumber;
Create View Create a view to list for each department: dname, number of employees and total salary paid out Create view Name (cols) As Select query
Views Queries on View - same as queries on base tables Retrieve the last and first names of all employees who work on ProjectX
Maintain views 2 strategies to maintain views: –View is stored as a temporary table for future queries called view materialization view is not realized at the time of the view definition but when specify the query –Another strategy is to modify the view query into a query on the underlying base table called query modification DBMS keeps views up-to-date – how?
Views A view is removed by using the DROP VIEW command. Drop View Works_on1; Drop View Dept_info;
Updating views If specify an update to a view, should it update the corresponding table?. Create View Emp As Select fname, lname, ssn, dno From Employee Update Emp Set dno = 1 Where lname = ‘English’
Updating views It may not make sense to update some views – why? Cannot always guarantee that a view can be updated
Views When would it not make sense? General Rule: (true for ORACLE) – View with aggregate functions are not updatable –Views with more than one table using joins is not updatable –View with one defining table is updatable if the view attributes contain a primary key
Stopped here
Views How to represent derived attributes? –Fig
Triggers Suppose –You want to make sure values you insert are correct (e.g. hours > 0) –You want to know when update an employee’s salary if it is > than supervisor’s You can define a trigger to perform an action when a specific event occurs
Triggers You can create triggers to be fired on any of the following: –DML statements (DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE) –DDL statements (CREATE, ALTER, DROP) –Database operations (SERVERERROR, LOGON, LOGOFF, STARTUP, SHUTDOWN)
Example create trigger tr1 after insert on works_on referencing new x for each row when (x.hours < 1) begin raise_application_error(-20003,'invalid hours on insert'); // insert was performed but error printed end;
Create Trigger CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name {BEFORE | AFTER} {INSERT | DELETE | UPDATE [OF colname {, colname...}]} ON tablename [REFERENCING corr_name_def {, corr_name_def...}] [FOR EACH ROW | FOR EACH STATEMENT] [WHEN (search_condition)] {statement-- action (single statement) | BEGIN ATOMIC statement; { statement;...} END} -- action (multiple statement.) DROP TRIGGER trigger_name;
Example CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Log_salary_increase AFTER UPDATE ON Employee FOR EACH ROW WHEN (new.Salary > ) BEGIN INSERT INTO Emp_log (Emp_id, Log_date, New_salary, Action) VALUES (:new.Empno, SYSDATE, :new.salary, 'NEW SAL'); END;
Using BEFORE BEFORE command fires trigger before UPDATE –Can write to :new value but not to :old value If use After, can write to either :old or :new value
When to use triggers? Don’t define triggers if can do the same with integrity constraints Limit triggers to less than 60 lines of code Do not create recursive triggers Triggers execute every time event occurs on which trigger is created 1/adfns_triggers.htm#i 1/adfns_triggers.htm#i