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Early Childhood Review What are some major characteristics of the early childhood period? You have just finished reading Little Red Riding Hood with your preschool class. Think of 5 activities you could now do to build on the story. Describe the activities and which area of development they highlight. Be sure to choose at least one activity for each of the three major areas of development: physical, cognitive, and emotional and social.
Early Childhood Preview Chapter 7 Physical Development A Changing Body and Brain Influences of Physical Growth and Health Motor Development Cognitive Development Piaget’s Theory: The Preoperational Stage Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory Information Processing Individual Differences in Mental Development Language Development Chapter 8 Emotional & Social Development Erikson: Initiative vs. Guilt Self Understanding Emotional Understanding Peer Relations Foundations of Morality Gender Typing
Quiz 7 1.On the average, children add _______ inches in height and about _______ pounds in weight each year. 2.Childhood immunizations __________ a. have contributed to the rising number of children diagnosed with autism. b. have led to a dramatic decline in childhood diseases in the past half century. c. are unnecessary for healthy and well-nourished children. d. have had little impact on rates of childhood diseases in industrialized nations. 3.Match Piaget’s limitations of preoperational thought with their descriptions. _______ Failure to distinguish the symbolic viewpoints of others from one’s own; the most fundamental deficiency of this stage _______ Belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities, such as thoughts, wishes, feelings, and intentions _______ Tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation, neglecting other important features _______ Inability to mentally go through a series of steps in a problem and then reverse direction, returning to the starting point _______ Inability to organize objects into classes and subclasses on the basis of similarities and differences A. Animistic thinking B. Centration C. IrreversibilityD. EgocentrismE. Lack of hierarchical classification 4.True/False Piaget and Vygotsky view children’s private talk in much the same way.
Quiz 8 1.During the preschool years, Erikson viewed the main psychological conflict as _____________________________________. During this stage, he regarded _________________ as the central means through which children find out about themselves and their social world. 2.True or False: Language contributes to preschoolers’ improved emotional self-regulation. 3.(Proactive/reactive) aggression occurs when children act to fulfill a need or desire – obtain an object, privilege, space, or social reward – and unemotionally attack a person to achieve their goal. Whereas (proactive/reactive) aggression occurs as an angry, defensive response to provocation or a blocked goal and is meant to hurt another person. 4.Gabe believes that if a woman dresses up like a man, she becomes a man. Gabe has yet to develop gender__________. a. identity b. schema c. stereotyping d. constancy