Monks -taught boys how to read and write Latin Bishops- taught schools called cathedra schools
Education In the (middle ages) In the Middle Ages most people were illiterate but not all. Upper class children were educated when they were pages. Among the poor the better educated priests might teach some children to read and write a little. In many towns there were grammar schools where middle class boys were educated.
Education In the (middle ages) They got their name because they taught Latin grammar. Boys worked long hours in the grammar schools and discipline was severe. Boys were beaten with rods or birch twigs.
Students began learning with the seven liberal arts The liberal arts are connsisted as lattin grammer rhetoric,logic,arithemetic,geometry, astronomy and music
They needed education so people could read and write. and so they could speak to others by learning there own languages
What education was needed for in the middle ages they needed education because it helped them to build and helped them learn how to help people when there sick
Around the age of 7 children began to learn what they would need to learn for adult lives..
Life of children (middle ages) Students in the middle ages sat together on the floor, while scrawling notes from lessons using a bone or ivory styles on wooden tablets covered with green or black wax.
Life of children (middle ages) When a male child was old enough to be useful he would go to work with his father or another village to be an apprentice
Life of children (middle ages) The boy would learn everything he needs to know to beable to help his family.
Life of children (middle ages) The youngest children were given small chores like feeding the chickens or washing the dishes
Life of children (middle ages) They were free to play most of the time up to the age of seven
Life of children (middle ages) Younger male children had to attend village schools run by the public church there they would learn important prayers and songs and smattering of Latin and mathematics
Life of children (middle ages) Girls didn’t really go to a school they stayed home with there moms learning how to be a great house wife’s and mothers
Life of children (middle ages) They learned how to weave cloth and cook and grow vegetables and make butter and clean houses and tend children and other things
Life of children (middle ages) Peasant children whose families were almost always poor wouldn’t have had many toys
Life of children (middle ages) older siblings might make a child a wooden doll or a set of blocks for the young to play with
Life of children (middle ages) Most of the time the kids would play with the available things and use there imaginations
questions What did youngest do ? What was taught ? Who taught ? Up to what age were they free to play to ? True or false girls went to school
Answer page Feeding chicken’s and washing dishes lattin grammer rhetoric,logic,arithemetic,geometry, astronomy and music Monk’s 7 years old False
sources n.html n.html ddleages/pdailylife.htmlhttp:// ddleages/pdailylife.html