Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Channel Codec for MB-OFDM UWB 2006/10/27 Speaker: 蔡佩玲
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Outline Specification for UWB Conventional Viterbi decoder Modified Viterbi decoder for UWB Simulation Conclusion Future Work References
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Outline Specification for UWB - System Parameter - Convolutional Encoder - Puncture Pattern Conventional Viterbi decoder Modified Viterbi decoder for UWB Simulation Conclusion Future Work References
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband System parameter
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Convolutional Encoder Assume a mother convolutional code of R = 1/3, K = 7. Having a single mother code simplifies the implementation. Generator polynomial :g 0 =[133 8 ], g 1 =[165 8 ], g 2 =[171 8 ] Higher rate codes are achieved by puncturing the mother code. Puncturing patterns are specified in latest revision of 09/2004. DDDDDD Output Data A Output Data B Output Data C
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Puncture pattern Additional coding rates are derived from the “mother” rate R = 1/3 convolutional code by employing “puncturing”. Puncturing is a procedure for omitting some of the encoded bits at the transmitter and inserting a dummy “zero” metric into the decoder at the receiver in place of the omitted bits.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Outline Specification for UWB Conventional Viterbi decoder - Review of Viterbi decoding - Decoder architecture Modified Viterbi decoder for UWB Simulation Conclusion Future Work References
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Review of Viterbi decoding Viterbi decoding is one decoding algorithms used with convolutional encoding. It is well suited to hardware decoder implementation. But its computational requirements grow exponentially as a function of the constraint length, so it is usually limited in practice to constraint lengths of K = 9 or less. Convolutional codes are usually described using two parameters: the code rate, k/n, and the constraint length, K. -k : the number of bits into the convolutional encoder. -n: the number of channel symbols output by the convolutional encoder. -K: the constraint length parameter, denotes the "length" of the convolutional encoder.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Review of Viterbi decoding (cont.) Given the unique mapping between a trellis path and an input sequence, the most likely input sequence (shortest path) through the trellis corresponds to the most likely input sequence. - Viterbi algorithm is an efficient method for finding the shortest path through a trellis. Viterbi decoding algorithm : -The first step : Recursively compute the shortest path. -The second step :Tracing back and decoding the shortest path.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Decoder Architecture The Viterbi decoder contains three main units : transition metric unit (TMU), add–compare–select unit (ACSU), and survivor memory unit (SMU). -TMU calculates the transition metrics from the input data. -ACSU recursively accumulates transition metrics (TM) as path metrics (PM), and makes decisions to select the most likely state transition sequence. -SMU traces the decisions to extract this sequence.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Outline Specification for UWB Conventional Viterbi decoder Modified Viterbi decoder for UWB -Introduction -Combined techniques -Decoder architecture Simulation Future Work Conclusion
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Introduction Some techniques have been developed to increase the decoding speed. These techniques include lookahead, sliding block, and parallel processing. These techniques are combined to achieve the highest desired data rate. For lower data rates, it is possible to disable some parts of the decoder for power saving by proper analysis of the effects of puncturing on word length and trace back length.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Combined techniques Lookahead Conventional Viterbi decoder determines the best state with one way truncation. But with the lookahead technique, it uses two way truncations. When forward and backward ACS iterations meet, the overall best state is determined. Starting from this state, the best path is traced back and the corresponding source bits are computed as a parallel output. maximum Best state truncation K-2D Conventional Decoder maximum + Best state acquisitiontruncation K-D K+D Modified Decoder
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Combined techniques (cont.) The acquisition and truncation procedure can be performed independently and hence in parallel. It is most efficient to use nonoverlapping contiguous blocks of length 2D for this operation. The result is a number of uniquely decoded states with distance 2D transitions. -The Same Decoding Performance as a Conventional Viterbi Decoder.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Combined techniques (cont.) Sliding block The Sliding Block Viterbi Decoder has the computation efficiency of the Viterbi algorithm. The Sliding Block Viterbi Decoding approach reduces decode of a continuous input stream to decode of independent overlapping blocks, without constraining the encoding process.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Decoder architecture The proposed decoder architecture, which combines lookahead, 2-level parallelism, and serialized sliding block techniques. The decoder is divided into 3 blocks.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Outline Specification for UWB Conventional Viterbi decoder Modified Viterbi decoder for UWB Simulation Conclusion Future Work References
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Simulation Simulation Parameter Information Data Rate 200 Mb/s Modulation : QPSK Quantization : 3 bits Coding rate = 5/8 Required Eb/N0=4.3dB Modified Viterbi decoder Estimation length = 5L Trace back length=3L
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Simulation (cont.) Simulation Parameter Information Data Rate 480 Mb/s Modulation : DCM Quantization : 3 bits Coding rate = 3/4 Required Eb/N0=4.6dB Modified Viterbi decoder Estimation length = 5L Trace back length=3L
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Simulation (cont.) Compare Modified Viterbi Decoder (L=6) with conventional Viterbi decoder( Length = 5L=30) Simulation parameter Information Data Rate 200Mb/s Modulation : QPSK Quantization : 3 bits Coding rate = 5/8 Required Eb/N0=4.3dB Coding Loss = 1.8dB
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Simulation (cont.) Compare the performances of different data rates with the same length L = 6 Simulation parameter Quantization : 3 bits Modified Viterbi decoder Estimation length = 5L Trace back length=3L
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Outline Specification for UWB Conventional Viterbi decoder Modified Viterbi decoder for UWB Simulation Conclusion Future Work References
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Conclusion The modified Viterbi decoder has higher speed than the conventional Viterbi decoder. On the other way, the performance of the modified Viterbi decoding is not so ideal as the conventional Viterbi decoder. But adjusting the block length L would get the performance close to the desired spec. Puncturing has large influences to decoding performances. Decoding would probably not be working with losing too much information bits. Coding Rate1/31/25/83/4 L4610>30 Relations of length L and the code rates
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Outline Specification for UWB Conventional Viterbi decoder Modified Viterbi decoder for UWB Simulation Conclusion Future Work References
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Future Work The ratio of the trace back length and estimation length is 3/5. This ratio could be any other rational number. Since different ratios could bring different performances, it would be possible to pick a ratio to meet the optimal simulation performance. Furthermore, it is also researchable to find the length, L, to both get the better performance and the high throughput.
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Outline Specification for UWB Conventional Viterbi decoder Modified Viterbi decoder for UWB Simulation Conclusion Future Work References
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband References [1]“Viterbi Decoder for high-speed Ultra-Wideband communication systems ”, Jun Tang and Keshab K. Parhi. [2]“A CMOS IC for Gb/s Viterbi Decoding: System Design and VLSI Implementation”, Herbert Dawid, Gerhard Fettweis, and Heinrich Meyr, IEEE Transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems. [3]“A 1-Gb/s, Four-State, Sliding Block Viterbi Decoder”, Peter J. Black, and Teresa H.-Y. Meng, IEEE Journal of solid-state circus. [4]“A Technique for Demapping Dual Carrier Modulated UWB OFDM Signals with Improved Performance”, Zhongjun Wang Wenzhen Li Lee Guek Yeo Yanxin Yan Yujing Ting Masayuki Tomisawa. [5]”Multiband OFDM physical layer specification”
Proprietary of NTHU Communication SOC Lab, 2005 Overview of MB-OFDM UWB Baseband Thank you for your attention