Hardware Needs 18F452 Main Controller CM8870 DTMF Decoder UART in PIC, MAX232 Serial Port Line Level Converter Amplifier for IR Detector Voltage feed into 7 kHz Low Pass Filter
Printed Circuit Board IR Detectors MOSFET Switches Serial Port IR Sensor Low Pass Filters DTMF Decoder PIC18F452
Normal Software Tasks Starts up and initializes all the necessary hardware inside the PIC… ADC for IR Sensors PORT I/O for DTMF Decoder DTMF Interrupt Controller waits in LOOP mode until DTMF Decoder generates interrupt Reads received value Toggles respective power line Prints action to the serial port LOOP would be changed to SLEEP in flight mode for power saving.
Hardware & Software Improvement Hardware Watchdog/Reset Circuit Power Switch for each IC Power Multiplexer for IR Detectors Telemetry Software SLEEP Mode Algorithm for IR Detector Monitoring and Magnet Use Telemetry