A Personal Culture Review Name______________________
List details about your family life.
List details about your home/shelter.
Draw a picture of your home/shelter.
List details about the food that you eat.
List details about your religious beliefs.
List details about your government/leadership.
List details about your economic tools, such as money or what you use for trading.
List details about your technology
Draw some pictures about your technology. Label the pictures.
List details about your clothing/how you dress. What materials are used in your clothes?
Draw pictures of your clothing. Label the pictures.
List details about the transportation you use.
Draw pictures of your types of transportation. Label the pictures.
List details about how you entertain yourself.
Draw a picture of a game or a toy you use, or show yourself at an entertaining activity/event. Label the picture.
List details on how you communicate with other people. Don’t forget written, spoken, and digital communication methods.
Other details…