Childhood Obesity Vanessa Salgado, Allison Markowitz, Kelley Lach, Kaylee Stieb, Bailey Spears
Introduction Curriculum focus: childhood obesity Integration of education of children, parents, community and solutions to this issue Contributing factors: nutrition, exercise, and culture This curriculum was created for a 3rd grade classroom
From 1963 to 2010, childhood obesity in America has steadily increased from 4.2% to 20%. Physical activity through kinesthetic learning Nutrition through in-class cooking activities Involving the community to make the curriculum applicable and relevant in the students’ lives Present students with information and resources to enable them to take control of their healthy lifestyles Rationale
Description Physical Activity o Gain understanding of background knowledge from students o Explain the importance of being physically active o Activate student involvement through having them provide examples of physical activity o Create and implement new activities involving movement in gym class & through integrated lessons Simple stretching, tag, sharks and minnows, capture the flag, red light and green light, breakfast lunch dinner, and active centers Math with movement o Brain Breaks Ten jumping jacks, marching in place, or stretching
Description ●Nutrition ○Class Discussion between meals and meal substitutions ○Student led project ■Family Favorite Recipe - Culture, healthy substitutions into a typed presentation ○Teacher led - simple healthy recipes ○Coupons and Grocery store sales discussions ○Healthier School Lunches ■Leading students to making wiser decisions ○Family Dinner ■Students and family members will be invited to school one night to share healthy family recipes.
Description Community o Creating a sense of community for healthier lives Local Businesses and Chefs will visit to show how to cook healthy on a budget Farmers will show students a different perspective on where food begins before it hits the shelf. o FIELD TRIP! Tour of the Store Look for healthier options o Newsletter or will be sent home to the parents letting them know everything the students have learned and the lifelong benefits of this experience
Core Ideas ●Sample lesson implemented in this unit: ○Students will use a family favorite meal and substitute at least one of the ingredients to make it healthier ○Students will type up their new recipes on computers ○Recipes will be shared with the class using a SmartBoard ○Recipes will be compiled into a classroom cookbook ○Students will host a family dinner at school, inviting school and community members ●How we are addressing childhood obesity: ○Emphasize healthy eating and cooking food with better nutritional value ○Connects each student’s home life with classroom learning
Assessment Food journal Creating a game involving physical activity Planning and cooking a meal for the community Family game night Class discussion on the students’ experience and thoughts about this curriculum