Facilitation Meeting on eHealth WSIS Forum, Geneva, 12 May 2010 World Health Organization International Telecommunication Union
“From trade to telemedicine, from education to environmental protection, we have in our hands, on our desktops and in the skies above, the ability to improve standards of living for millions upon millions of people…” Kofi Annan UN Secretary General Address to WSIS Geneva, 2003
ICT Applications: Benefits in all aspects of life Highlighted the role of governments and all stakeholders Focus on development National e-strategies seen as fundamental Health a driver as well as a beneficiary of ICT eHealth
Action line on eHealth (1) Collaboration health care, medical education, training and research Access to world's medical knowledge and local content on health Shared information systems for monitoring and alert of health threats eHealth
Action line on eHealth (2) Promote standards for exchange of health data Reach remote and underserved areas and populations Provide aid in disasters & emergencies eHealth
Measuring progress on WSIS action lines Global eHealth survey Misha Kay Manager, Global Observatory for eHealth World Health Organization WSIS Forum 10 May 2010
Global Observatory for eHealth Dedicated to the improvement of health by providing Member States with information and guidance on effective practices, policies, and standards in eHealth. eHealth
eHealth Enabling actions – indicators for progress eHealth policy Multilingualism Data protection
eHealth National eHealth policies solid start but long way to go developing countries need guidance implementation slow
eHealth Global status national eHealth policy
eHealth EHL policy by World Bank income groups
eHealth EHL policy implementation by WB income gp
eHealth Plans for introduction of eHealth policy
eHealth Multilingualism / Multiculturalism policy low adoption rate not strong across any WB income groups
eHealth Multilingualism / Multiculturalism policy
eHealth Multiculturalism /Multilingualism strategy by WB income groups
eHealth Plans for multilingualism policy
eHealth Patient data protection relatively new field low adoption rate many countries will need support but particularly developing countries
eHealth Legislation on patient data protection
eHealth Data protection by WB income groups
eHealth Going forward eHealth no longer "new" and is growing fast WHO will continue to guide and support developing countries in best practice and policy based on evidence
Thank you Global Observatory for eHealth