Chapter 11
* Most individuals learn gender identity through socialization. * Gender is usually reinforced at birth- blue for boys and pink for girls. * Differing gender expectations from parents and society also create gender identity.
* Sex- person’s biological identity (gender) * Gender- behavioral and psychological traits considered appropriate for men and women. * Gender Roles- Norms of society governing how men and women should act with behavior and attitude. * Gender Identity- awareness of being masculine or feminine as those traits are defined by culture.
* Patriarchy- system in which men are dominant over women. * Sexism- belief that one sex is by nature superior to the other. * Women’s Movement- social, political, and economic movement to provide equality for men and women in the U.S.
* Even today there are many more men receiving advanced degrees than women. * There is still a wage gap between what men and women earn in the work force. * Glass Ceiling- the invisible barrier that prevents women from advancing to upper level positions in business. * Second Shift- term coined by sociologist Arlie Hochschild referring to the working wives duties at home she is responsible for after work.
* Ageism- the belief that one age category is by nature superior to another age group. This is most often directed to the older age groups. * “Graying of America”- by 2025, it is projected that over 19% of America’s population will be over the age of 65. * Baby Boomers- The generation of people born in the late 1940’s and 1950’s after WWII. Largest group (now beginning to retire).
* Dependency Ratio- the ratio of workers to one person retired and receiving social security benefits. * dependency ratio was 5:1… by 2025 it is projected to be at 2:1 due to the retiring of baby boomers.
* Medicare- gov’t funded health insurance program for the elderly and for Americans with disabilities. * Medicaid- gov’t funded health insurance program for low-income individuals.
* ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)- prevents and discrimination or infringement of rights on Americans with a disability. * Americans with disabilities are often stereotyped into the “not normal” which results in negative judgments against them in the workforce, society, and other areas of the nation.