Chapter Twelve Teamwork © 2013 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
12-2 Learning Objectives LO 1 Discuss how teams can contribute to an organization’s effectiveness LO 2 Distinguish the new team environment from that of traditional work groups LO 3 Summarize how groups become teams LO 4 Explain why groups sometimes fail LO 5 Describe how to build an effective team LO 6 List methods for managing a team’s relationships with other teams LO 7 Give examples of ways to manage conflict
12-3 The New Team Environment Team A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.
12-4 The New Team Environment Exhibit 12.1
12-5 Organizations Have Different Types of Teams Parallel teams Teams that operate separately from the regular work structure, and exist temporarily
12-6 Organizations Have Different Types of Teams Transnational teams Work groups composed of multinational members whose activities span multiple countries. Virtual teams Teams that are physically dispersed and communicate electronically more than face-to-face.
12-7 Self-Managed Teams Empower Employees Self-designing teams Teams with the responsibilities of autonomous work groups, plus control over hiring, firing, and deciding what tasks members perform.
12-8 Team Autonomy Continuum Exhibit 12.2
12-9 Stepping up to Team Leadership Exhibit 12.4
12-10 Managers Motivate Effective Teamwork Social loafing Working less hard and being less productive when in a group.
12-11 Cohesiveness, Performance Norms, and Group Performance Exhibit 12.5
12-12 Some Team Members should Manage Outward Gatekeeper A team member who keeps abreast of current developments and provides the team with relevant information.
12-13 Some Team Members should Manage Outward Probing A team strategy that requires team members to interact frequently with outsiders, diagnose their needs, and experiment with solutions.
12-14 Conflict Management Strategies Exhibit 12.7
12-15 Mediating Can Help Resolve a Conflict Mediator A third party who intervenes to help others manage their conflict.