By: Tyler Pokrywka
Athletes Seniors Children Girls and boys of any age Everybody can get involved with physical fitness There are no restrictions whatsoever.
Physical fitness can be fun!
Decreases the risk of : Heart Disease Stroke Colon Cancer Diabetes High Blood Pressure
Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Cardiovascular Endurance Body Composition
Any amount of weight lifted for a 1 rep max
Capability of performing repetitions of 10 or more
Amount of range of motion without discomfort
Lung capacity for long distance running or swimming
Skin Caliper Test Hydrostatic Weighing Body Mass Index Test
Biking Swimming Running Sports Exercise Get Physically Fit!!!
Flyers home opener is Wednesday get your tickets! Flyers
Pain is weakness leaving the body
13 cups of water a day for males 9 cups of water a day for females