You can either be for or against cloning. Here are some reasons people think the way they do. For cloning… Better medical research It would be cool Parents enable to have children Help children born with disorders. To help further cloning research Against cloning… It could damage the child Cloning and the research is expensive It can destroy the lives of the human embryos. Some call it unethical
“Cloning can be used for infertile couples desiring children”
What do you think cloning means? Cloning means the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. What do you think cloning means? Cloning means the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another.
1.Gene Cloning 2.Reproductive Cloning 3.Therapeutic Cloning
Gene cloning creates copies of genes or segments of DNA. Reproductive cloning creates copies of whole animals. Therapeutic Cloning is embryonic stem cells, which is with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body.
Yes, many plants, animals, and humans do clone naturally. In nature, plants and single-celled organisms produce identical offspring through a process called asexual reproduction. In humans and animals, they produce natural clones too. This means having identical twins.
Her name was Dolly. Dolly was born inn But soon died in February of Some people think she died because of the cloning, and some think she died because of lung cancer. Other than Dolly, many other animals were cloned too. Such as, cats, deer, dogs, horses, etc.
Cloning- A cell, group of cells, or organism that is decreased from and genetically identical to a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial colony whose membranes arose from a single cell.
Cloning starts with collection of a somatic cell from an organism. Somatic cells are any cells taken from the body the are not sex cells such as eggs and sperm. Scientists remove the somatic cell nucleus, which contains a copy of all the organisms genetic material. They then collect an egg cell from either the same organism or same species and add somatic cells. Cloning starts with collection of a somatic cell from an organism. Somatic cells are any cells taken from the body the are not sex cells such as eggs and sperm. Scientists remove the somatic cell nucleus, which contains a copy of all the organisms genetic material. They then collect an egg cell from either the same organism or same species and add somatic cells.
DNA Cloning- Involves manipulating DNA procedures in order to produce multiple copies of a single gene or segment of DNA. DNA Cloning- Involves manipulating DNA procedures in order to produce multiple copies of a single gene or segment of DNA.
Reproductive Cloning- The genetic duplication of an existing organism especially by transforming the nucleus of a somatic cell of the organism into an enucleated oocyte.
Therapeutic Cloning- The permitted creation of cloned human tissues for surgical transplant.
The first law against cloning was in 1997 in California. The first law against cloning was in 1997 in California. Since then 15 different states have developed laws on cloning! Since then 15 different states have developed laws on cloning!
Arkansas Connecticut Indiana Iowa Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Rhode island New jersey North and South Dakota Virginia research/health/human-cloning-laws.aspx
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