Quickwrite In our diverse society, what role do you think teachers (especially social studies teachers) play in educating students about our diverse society? Give an example of how you might do this in your classroom.
What is Diversity?
Diversity Approach? Melting Pot Mixed Salad
Four Approaches to Diversity The Contributions Approach - Emphasis on holidays, food, famous people, etc. but no larger context is provided. The Additive Approach- Basic structure of curriculum does not change. Teacher adds a conceptual framework and may focus on cultures outside the mainstream,. The Transformational Approach - Teacher introduces change into the curricular structure. For example, Columbus’ voyage to the new world may not be seen just from a European standpoint. The Social Action Approach - Change from “learning about” to making decisions and engaging in social action.
How can you teach diversity through social studies curriculum?
Teaching Tolerance Video: Starting Small Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance Center RACE: The Power of an Illusion 0-Home.htm 0-Home.htm
Using Stories to Promote Diversity