G EOGRAPHY D ATE 14 TH D ECEMBER Important: Anything that it is written in a red color you do not have to copy
LEARNING G OALS 1. learning the different kinds of soil. 2. What will happen to the plants in the different climates. 3. Learning the different vegetation patterns and learn more about Tundra.
S UCCESS CRITERIA I will understand main soil regions of Canada the impact of climate change on the tundra Canada’s natural vegetation zones and their main characteristics
S OIL P ATTERNS Varying patterns If we could look at the soil over a broad area we would see variations in the types of soil, that’s due to changes in climate and the place of the land in the country. Changes in soil relate to the: age of the land surface and type of the material that they are mixed with the soil. To see more detail we could examine the soil and find variation in texture, thickness of layers and wetness. These changes can cause variation in pasture and crop yield. Also the character of the soil can change in short period of time. In some countries have a wide range of soils because of the region’s varied and climate patterns. Next Page
M AP ABOUT THE S OIL P ATTERNS Page:69 Figure3-1 In this diagram we can see that there is a large amount of areas have wet –climate change, and then the Tundra, wide range of soils in the mountainous areas, and the last one is dry climate change. Also that show us that the highlands area of western Canada has 3 types of soil, and that depends in the: elevation, relief, temperature, and precipitation.
N ATURAL V EGETATION P ROCESSES Natural Vegetation is the plants that grow in different areas, with rainfall, sunlight and the help of all the other elements, all of that happens without the human aid. What can you see and conclude from Figure3-18 Page:72 ? The Answer In The Next Page
T HE A NSWER... In the first figure, we can see that there is 2 climates “dry climates and wetter climate”. In drier climates there is Semi-desert(small shrubs, cacti), as the dryness increase a Grassland will obtain (short grasses and tall grasses), till it reaches the wetter climates starts with Parkland(long grasses scattered trees) with and ends with Boreal forest (both deciduous and coniferous trees).
… C ONTINUED In the second figure, we can see that there is also 2 climates “cooled climates and warm climates”. In cooled climates there is Tundra (grasses, mosses, shrubs), in the transect there is Taiga forest & Boreal forest(spruce, pines, hemlock, cedar, etc), till it reaches the Mixed forest(both deciduous and coniferous trees), and also there is Deciduous forest(maple, oak, beech, elm, etc). Also, we can see that Boreal forest live in a wet and war climate in the same time.
V EGETATION P ATTERNS Vegetation Pattern is a vegetation community that exhibits distinctive and repetitive patterns. The 3 main types of vegetation in Canada are: Tundra, Forest, and Grassland. There is a change from one type of vegetation to another. Instead there is a transition zone, an area where the vegetation changes gradually. Canada’s seven natural vegetation zones are Tundra, Taiga forest & Boreal forest, Grassland, Mixed forest, Deciduous forest. West coast forest, Wide range of vegetation types in the mountainous area. Next Page
… CONTINUED The cordilleran vegetation zone is not included in the descriptions below because,like the Cordilleran climate and soil regions, it is not uniform. This not surprising since conditions can change dramatically from one place to another, even if the two places are only a few kilometres apart. Also temperature and rainfall change as you go up a mountain, so the types of vegetation can change from a lush rainforest to a barren, treeless slope.
Tundra soils lack distinct soil horizons because extreme cold creates a permanently frozen layer (permafrost) near the surface. Based on Tundra’s arctic climate, conditions in the tundra regions are incredibly harsh for plant growth. Only few, very small trees grow Small shrubs, flowering plants, mosses, and lichens grow close to the surface, where they soak up as much heat as possible in the very short growing season. T UNDRA Next Page
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