Role of State Pollution Control Boards in Compliance and monitoring of conditions of Environmental Clearance Item No. 9.0
MONITORING OF ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE(EC) EIA notification, dated September 14, 2006 require to obtain prior EC for any new/expansion/modernization project activities specified in the schedule-I. 38 project activities specified in the schedule, require EC from MoEF under Category -A of the schedule. Concerned State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) issue E.C. for the projects under Category-B of the schedule. Project proponents have to obtain EC from the MoEF where SEIAA is not constituted so far.
MONITORING & COMPLIANCE: Monitoring Mechanism needs to be introduced and concerted efforts are needed at the level of SPCBs / PCCs and accordingly following methodology is proposed : 1.Conditions contained in the EC should also be incorporated in the Consent Letters issued by SPCBs / PCCs under the Water Act, 1974 and the Air Act, While monitoring compliance of the consent conditions of Air / Water consents, the compliance of conditions stipulated in EC should also be monitored by SPCBs / PCCs.
3. The results of monitoring & inspection reports should be sent to Regional Offices of MoEF and CPCB by post and Project proponent should be directed to self monitor the ‘Criteria Pollutants’ and submit the same to Authorities of MoEF, CPCB and SPCBs / PCCs. The monitoring results shall be displayed in front of the premises of Industry. SPCBs/PCCs are requested to incorporate above conditions in letters of Consent to Establish & Operate to new projects and Revised / Amended Consent conditions to the existing projects where such conditions have not been given.