What’s the Big Deal? Andrea Sport Health Promotion Project Presentation
Why It Matters Definition and Description of Hyperlipidemia Health Promotion Teaching Strategy Description of Implementation of Project Design of the Project Delivery of the Project Evaluation of the Project Conclusion
Health promotion, which involves screening and counseling aimed at encouraging healthy lifestyle behaviors, is becoming a vital factor in all aspects of patient care and is directly related to better health outcomes for individuals (Uphold & Graham, 2013). Without education from knowledgeable sources such as health care providers, patients often lack the understanding of how to make healthy lifestyle choices. Hyperlipidemia, which is among the most common chronic health conditions today, can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.
Uphold and Graham (2013) define hyperlipidemia as the “elevation of one or more of the following: cholesterol, cholesterol esters, phospholipids, or triglycerides.” Cholesterol, which is made naturally by the body and obtained from foods, is described as a waxy substance that the body utilizes for energy and to make hormones and bile acids that aid in food digestion (Uphold & Graham, 2013). Lipoproteins = Carriers of cholesterol through the body High density lipoproteins are considered the “good” cholesterol due to their ability to carry lipids away from the blood vessels. Low density lipoproteins are considered the “bad” cholesterol because they keep cholesterol in the blood vessels.
Too much cholesterol = Plaque build-up = Narrowing of arteries Plaque can break off and cause clots. If the clot blocks an artery to the heart, a heart attack can occur, or if the clot blocks an artery to the brain, a stroke can occur (AHA, 2014). Unfortunately, hyperlipidemia is a common health problem among Americans that often leads to heart disease which is the number one cause of death in the United States (CDC, 2012). There are approximately 71 million Americans with high low density lipoprotein, or bad, cholesterol. Risk factors: obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, hypothyroidism, renal disorders, hepatic disorders, hypertension, stress, alcohol consumption, and tobacco use
The population of interest for this health promotion project is adults ranging in age from 18 to 60. Experiential Learning: Developed from both Bruner’s discovery learning and Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the experiential learning theory focuses on developing an individual’s knowledge. Experiential learning allows educators to create, facilitate access to, and organize experiences in a manner in which learning is facilitated (Taylor & Hamdy, 2013). Health Belief Model: the most widely used theory in health education and promotion today. The foundation of the model focuses on the idea that health behavior is determined by personal beliefs and perceptions about a disease process and strategies available to decrease the occurrence of the disease. The model focuses on four main constructs which include perceived seriousness, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers (Hayden, 2014).
Site: State Wellness Center in Montgomery, Alabama The State Wellness Center is a convenient, economical source of acute/urgent care for State Employee Insurance Beneficiaries. One of the main services provided at the Wellness Center is annual health screenings that are required by the insurance company. Large portion of Red Zone Referrals = Hyperlipidemia Because of the high number of patients at the clinic with hyperlipidemia, it was determined that a health promotion project focusing on prevention of hyperlipidemia would be very beneficial for the patients and providers at the State Wellness Center
After collaborating with the health care providers at the State Wellness Center, the decision was made to deliver the project to patients via a brochure and educational session. An educational brochure was created to be used during the educational session and as a source of information that patients could take home for reference later. The brochure discussed the following topics: what is cholesterol, why it matters, risk factors, prevention and treatment, and tools and resources.
The project delivery was done with one patient at a time. Patients included in the health promotion project were those being seen as a red zone referral, those with a history of hyperlipidemia, and those with risk factors for developing hyperlipidemia. While patients were in their rooms waiting to be seen or after being seen by the health care provider, a brief educational session was delivered to them. Focus of education = lifestyle modifications (dietary modifications and exercise)
Brief, six question post-quiz (true/false questions) Total of 15 participants in the health promotion project All participants scored 100% on the post-quiz While talking with the participants after the quiz was completed, all felt that the modifications discussed were doable and would benefit them in the future.
Health promotion is truly a vital component of health care. At the State Wellness Center, it is hoped that health promotion focusing on hyperlipidemia will decrease the number of red zone referrals as well as the number of patients diagnosed with hyperlipidemia. Health promotion on hyperlipidemia could potentially decrease the incidences of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Make health promotion an everyday part of your practice!
About cholesterol. (2014). American Heart Association. Retrieved from t-Cholesterol_UCM_001220_Article.jsp t-Cholesterol_UCM_001220_Article.jsp Cholesterol. (2012). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from Hayden, J. (2014). Introduction to Health Behavior Theory, 2 nd ed. New Jersey: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Retrieved from Taylor, D. & Hamdy, H. (2013). Adult learning theories: Implications for learning and teaching in medical education: AMEE Guide No. 83. Medical Teacher, 35, e1561-e1572. doi: / X Uphold, C. & Graham, M. (2013). Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice, 5 th ed. Gainesville, FL: Barmarrae Books