CS-EE 481 Spring March, 2007 University of Portland School of Engineering Project ZigZag Team Adam Russell Will French Matt Heye Advisor Dr. Rylander Industry Representatives Glenna Van Duzer, Lorie Gordon Harland Financial Solutions
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Accomplishments Plans Milestones Project Closure Checklist –Subject Testing Results Issues/Concerns Conclusions March, 2007
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Accomplishments Finalize CSS styles and integrate them into our website. Done Implement a paging system for the result set. Almost Done Develop and conduct a testing plan. Done Complete our Alpha release. Done Last Month’s PlansStatus March, 2007
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Additional Accomplishments Started work on our Final Report Completed Subject Testing March, 2007
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Finish up the.9 of Final Report Start/Finish work on Founders Day Presentation Practice Founders Day Presentation Give Founders Day Presentation March, 2007
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescriptionOriginal Date 10/30/06 Previous Date 2/27/07 Present Date 3/27/07 1Product Approval9/15/06 2FS Approval10/07/06 3Plan Approval11/10/06 4Select PL11/11/06 5Database Design11/18/06 6Basic Website11/21/06 7Website Gallery11/30/06 8Setup Server12/7/06 9Create Image DB1/21/07 10Working Algorithm2/7/07 March, 2007
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescriptionOriginal Date 10/30/06 Previous Date 2/27/07 Present Date 3/27/07 11Website Algorithm Implementation 2/20/07 12TOP Approval2/24/07 2/08/07 13Develop Testing Plan 3/1/07 3/4/07 14Alpha Release3/15/07 15Testing and Debugging 3/31/07 3/27/07 16Prototype Release4/7/07 4/2/07 17Founder’s Day4/17/07 18Final Report4/28/07 March, 2007
CS-EE 481 Spring Project Closure Checklist From project pre-approval, we have accomplished all of our stated goals: create a “signature” (using color histograms) of the image in a format that can be analyzed and compared against others Test subjects will be used to verify the success of our project. Additionally, from Functional Spec (Core Requirements Satisfied in BLUE) The user will be able to search for images in two ways (100.1, 101.1) Relevant images will then be found and returned on the results page, and be available for further viewing and/or downloading (102.1)
CS-EE 481 Spring Early Foreseeable Limitations From our functional Spec, we had this important limitation: “We acknowledge and accept the fact that there may be similarities detected between two images that are (in reality) completely different images simply because they have the same color distribution. We do not intend to differentiate between any two such images, an example being: a clown face and a flower. It is still a limitation, but one we are willing to swallow with this current project scope
CS-EE 481 Spring Project Plan Risks In project plan –Our number one risk was that our algorithm would be to slow, but as shown in our demonstration, it is actually quite fast.
CS-EE 481 Spring Subject Testing Results We stated that our application will be run for test subjects, and then the subjects would then evaluate and report a percentage of how many images returned they thought were relevant. Each of these percentages was to be averaged This was very nearly completed last night, and here are the results: –We were able to pull together a group of 15 test subjects ranging majors from Finance to History, as well as a mesh of various Engineering majors. –Displaying 20 images from our set to the subjects, here is what we found: We received scores on the result sets ranging from 60% to 100% Full evaluation of the data has yet to be done since it was just gathered last night –But, from this data, we met our original goal which was to have an overall averaged success rate of above 60%, and since we were not rated below 60%... Highlight a few comments received from the subjects – (from subject survey)
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues None March, 2007
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions Conducted user testing with group of students Started our Final Report Very close to completion of Senior Design! March, 2007
CS-EE 481 Spring University of Portland School of Engineering Questions Any questions? March, 2007