A Guide to Self-Editing Please edit only the sections you’re being asked to edit!
Editing for Fluency To edit for fluency, you must READ OUT LOUD! Begin when your teacher instructs you. Add missing words if needed, using a caret. Write “SP?” above any words which are not readable. If you forgot to leave spaces between your words, put the add-a-space mark.
Editing for Organization Did you remember to double-space? If not, make a note to remind yourself. How do margins look? If you have written in the margin, please draw the margin line in, and write “MARGIN” there. Did you write on the back? If so, write a reminder to yourself. Did you forget to use paragraph breaks? Add the paragraph symbol wherever needed. Add a title, if you need to.
Editing for Word Choice If you have used slang terms, circle these and write “WC” over the circle. Slang terms include cool, dude, wuzzup, &, thing, and the word stuff. Go get a thesaurus, and look up any “baby words” you’ve used, to make them sound more grown-up. Use the delete and caret symbols to put in these new words.
Edit for Conventions Write SP over the top of any words you think you might have misspelled. Use capitalization marks for any words which need capitalized. Put in the correct punctuation, using proofreading symbols wherever necessary.
Editing for Conventions Continued… Now that you’ve determined which words you may have misspelled, go get a dictionary, and look these up. If you need to change a misspelled word, use the delete and caret symbols to do so.
Edit for Voice How would your audience react to this essay? What would they have trouble understanding? Make notes to yourself about anything you think you need to clarify or explain better for the audience.
Edit for Ideas Is there a paragraph you would like to take out because it’s not following the topic? Make a note to yourself about this.. Do you intend to add a paragraph or two, to make your topic more interesting or more detailed? Add any additional information at this time.