EXECUTIVE ORDER All public schools in the State of Arizona shall be designed and constructed in a manner to reduce energy consumption and create more energy efficient facilities without adversely affecting the quality of school design and construction by providing necessary funds to schools in accordance with School Facilities Board policies and guidelines and this order.
EXECUTIVE ORDER All agencies of the Executive Branch of state government shall take steps necessary to reduce annual water consumption by 5% using FY04 consumption levels as a baseline. Per ARS , Every effort shall be made to install water free urinals in all new state buildings constructed after the effective date of this section and to install water free urinals in existing state buildings.
EXECUTIVE ORDER Renewable Energy: All new State Funded building shall be designed and constructed to derive at least 10% of their energy from a renewable resource. A renewable resource may include : solar, wind or the use of thermal energy from biomass fuels for heating and cooling. This goal may also be met through the purchase of renewable energy credits from an energy producer. Energy Efficiency: The design for all state funded buildings constructed after this date shall include energy efficiency standards consistent with ARS and Executive Order LEED Standard: All state funded buildings constructed after this date shall meet at least the “silver” Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standard.
Excess Utilities Allows district to levy property taxes in excess of their statutory budget for utilities. Education 2000 eliminates this provision on July 1, In FY 2005 districts budgeted $62.9 million from this revenue source.
8 Year Payback Rule R Energy Saving Measures New school facility construction and, as required, building renovations in existing schools, shall include, where reasonable, energy conservation upgrades that will provide dollar savings in excess of the cost of the upgrade within eight years of the installation.
What’s funded through R ?
LEED Leadership in Energy Efficient Design Developed by U.S Green Building Council Performance oriented system – Points earned for satisfying performance criteria Total Points possible - 69
LEED Categories Sustainable Sites – 14 Points (1 Prereq.) Water Efficiency – 5 Points Energy & Atmosphere – 17 Points (3 Prereq.) Materials & Resources – 13 Points (1 Prereq.) Indoor Environmental Quality – 15 Points (2 Prereq.) Innovation & Design Process – 5 Points
LEED certification Basic – 26 to 32 Points Silver – 33 to 38 Points Gold – 39 to 51 Points Platinum – 52 to 69 Points