Physical Development Ages 7 – 12 and Adolescence.


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Presentation transcript:

Physical Development Ages 7 – 12 and Adolescence

7 – 10 years old From 7-10, boys and girls grow an average of 2 inches per year. Slower rate than previous growth rates Growth spurts occur during this time – a rapid amount of growth in a short time. Hormonal changes in the body occur, causing the onset of puberty.

Onset of Puberty! Puberty normally occurs between the ages of 9 and 16. Girls normally go through puberty slightly earlier than boys. On average, it will start around 10 for girls and 12 for boys. Will gain 25% of their adult height during this time.

Growth/Stature Heredity and nutrition play an important role in the growth during this time frame. Gain an average of 6 ½ pounds per year in the beginning of the middle years, and increases up to 10 pounds per year towards the end of this stage. Girls are often taller than boys in this age range. Boys Girls Age Height/Inches Weight/Pounds Weight/Inches Seven 48 51 47 ¾ 50 Nine 52 ½ 70 64 Twelve 58 ¾ 89 59 ½ 92

Body Image Body image often becomes an issue for preteens as they adjust to their new size. Body styles normally stay the same as they were in the early childhood years. Muscle tone will begin to develop and children become stronger. A child’s motor skills continue to develop and improve.

Choppers… Baby teeth continue to be lost and replaced with permanent teeth. Around 12, a second original set of molars appear, behind the “Six Year Molars”

Sleep…. Sleep is still important to a child as they continue to grow and develop. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that children get 10 to 11 hours of sleep per night. Helps to increase their performance in school, as well as contributing to overall healthiness and energy levels. It is important to stay active. Teens can often get distracted and spend too much time doing activities that involve little to no exercise

Hygiene and Zits! Personal hygiene can become an issue during this stage as the hormones in the body change, now producing sweat and oil. Children may develop body odor, oily skin and or oily/greasy hair. Most of these issues can be addressed with good hygiene habits and health and beauty items. Can lead to issues with acne, which can sometimes be controlled by daily washing, but some cases may need to be addressed by a dermatologist (doctor who specializes in the skin).

Grow Teen, Grow! Between 11 and 18, a typical males will double their weight from 75 lbs to 150 lbs typical females weigh between 80 and 125 lbs Exercise, nutrition and sleep continue to be important to the developing teen. Rapid growth continues during adolescence Not unusual for a teen to grow 3-5 inches per year. Males and females both become stronger.

Girls vs. Boys Girls hit growth spurts earlier than boys, however boys grow until a later age. Males typically double their weight between the ages of 11 and 18, and will grow about 14 inches. Girls don’t usually grow much in height after the ages of 15. They will continue to gain weight, however.