Consumer Influence and the Diffusion of Innovations Chapter 15 Consumer Influence and the Diffusion of Innovations MKT 348 Dr. Franck Vigneron
What is Opinion Leadership? Opinion Receiver Opinion Seeker
Opinion Leader A person who informally gives product information and advice to others.
Opinion Seeker An individual who either actively seeks product information from others or receives unsolicited information.
The person who receives an opinion offered by another person. Opinion Receiver The person who receives an opinion offered by another person.
Reasons for the Effectiveness of Opinion Leadership Credibility Positive and Negative Product Information Information and Advice Opinion Leadership Is Category-Specific Opinion Leadership Is a Two-way Street
Motivations Behind Opinion Leadership The Needs of Opinion Leaders Self involvement Social involvement Product involvement Message involvement The Needs of Opinion Receivers New-product or new usage information Reduction of perceived risk Reduction of search time Receiving the approval of the opinion leader Purchase Pals Surrogate Buyers Versus Opinion Leaders
Measurement of Opinion Leadership Self-Designating Method Sociometric Method Key Informant Method Objective Method
Issues In Opinion Leadership and Marketing Strategy Programs Designed to Stimulate Opinion Leadership Advertisements Simulating Opinion Leadership Word of Mouth May Be Uncontrollable Creation of Opinion Leaders
Diffusion Process The process by which the acceptance of an innovation is spread by communication to members of social system over a period of time.
Adoption Process The stages through which an individual consumer passes in arriving at a decision to try (or not to try), to continue using (or discontinue using) a new product. The five stags of the traditional adoption process are awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.
Elements of the Diffusion Process The Innovation The Channels of Communication The Social System Time
Defining Innovations Firm-oriented definitions Product-oriented definitions Market-oriented definitions Consumer-oriented definitions
Time and Diffusion Purchase Time Adopter Categories Rate of Adoption
Adopter Categories A sequence of categories that describes how early (or late) a consumer adopts a new product in relation to other adopters. The five typical adopter categories are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.
Figure Adopter Categories Percentage of Adopters by Category Sequence Early Adopters 13.5% Laggards 16% Early Majority 34% Late Majority 34% Innovators 2.5% Percentage of Adopters by Category Sequence
Issues in Profiling Consumer Innovators Defining the Consumer Innovator Interest in the Product Category The Innovator Is an Opinion Leader Personality Traits Media Habits Social Characteristics Demographic Characteristics Are There Generalized Consumer Innovators?