Benefits of Exercise. How can we improve well being?
Benefits of Exercise. The heart is a muscle and it needs exercise to keep fit so that it can pump blood efficiently round your body with each heart beat. Poor efficiency = Poor health
Benefits of Exercise. What do you already know about the benefits of exercise? Image:listvers
Benefits of Exercise. Taking exercise can - Beat the blues Help you sleep Reverse the aging process Fights fat Strengthens the heart Sharpens the brain Boosts immunity
Benefits of Exercise. Points of interest - Dr’s recommend daily activity which leaves you a little breathless - 30 mins x 5 times per week (anaerobic activity), 3 out of 10 people in the UK take regular exercise, regular physical activity can be helpful in controlling the pain of osteoarthritis, When you exercise moderately your heart rate should be about 50% of your normal maximum rate (Age considerations apply).
Benefits of Exercise. Food for thought - which would you prefer to be? Image: