Gateway Introduction PowerPoint Modified from Dominate to Graduate PPT, Archer High School, 2014
When do I take the Gateway? The Gateway Writing Assessment will be administered on the following days: Science Gateway Monday, March 31, 2014 Social Studies Gateway Wednesday, April 2, 2014
What is the Gateway? The Gateway is a Document-Based Question Assessment. The Gateway measures students’ ability to write effectively about : – 9 th and 10 th grade Science (Biology & Chemistry) – 10 th grade Social Studies (World History) Students write two essays— one on a Science topic and one on a Social Studies topic. your own knowledge pull information from the documents In writing a response, you will use your own knowledge about the topic AND pull information from the documents that are provided. You have 125 minutes to write each of the essays, one exam is given per day.
How is the Gateway scored? Two raters read each paper and assign scores in 4 domains. The scores from each rater is combined to make a raw score which is then converted into a scaled score. The scaled score ranges create 3 different Performance Levels: “Exceeds”, “Meets”, or “Does Not Meet”. Scale Score Ranges Performance LevelScale Score Range Meets Does Not Meet
Let’s take a look at how the Gateway is scored.
Domains for Science Gateway The Science Gateway is scored in 4 domains: Communication of Scientific Knowledge Science DomainsWeight% of Total Score Development of Scientific Processes330% Expression of Scientific Knowledge220% Organization of Scientific Concepts330% Conventions220%
What are the raters looking for in each Domain? We will be reviewing the rubrics in depth in class.
Domain 1 (DEV): How well you demonstrated an understanding of all parts of the assigned task. 5 You fully developed all parts of the assigned task with specific details You stated and fully explained scientific causes and effects Your reasoning was explained in all parts of the response All of your ideas were focused on the assigned task 4 You developed all parts of the task with specific details; one part may not have been as fully developed as the others You stated and explained scientific causes and effects Your reasoning was explained in most parts of your response Most of your ideas were focused on the assigned task
Domain 2 (KNO): How much relevant, correct prior knowledge & scientific vocabulary you included in your paper. 5 Your paper contained extensive correct scientific information beyond what is in the provided documents You used extensive scientific vocabulary throughout your paper You effectively used the provided documents 4 Your paper contained relevant & correct scientific information beyond what is in the provided documents You consistently used relevant scientific vocabulary in your paper You used the provided documents appropriately
Domain 3 (ORG): How well you organized your ideas. 5 All parts of your organizational plan were effective and appropriate You effectively grouped & linked scientific ideas in all parts of your paper Your introduction & conclusion were effective for the assigned task & appropriate to the scientific purpose You used an extensive variety of transition words & phrases; all of your ideas are logically linked to the ideas that precede & follow them 4 Most parts of your organizational plan were effective & appropriate You effectively grouped & linked scientific ideas in most parts of your paper Your introduction & conclusion are effective for the assigned task You used extensive variety of transition words & phrases
Domain 4 (CONV): How well you demonstrated control of sentence formation, usage, & mechanics. 5 Your sentences were extensively varied, clear, & effective in all parts of your paper All elements of usage were consistently correct ( subject-verb agreement, standard word forms, pronoun-antecedent agreement, tense ) All elements of mechanics were consistently correct ( citation of original sources, internal punctuation, spelling, capitalization, paragraph breaks ) There were very few errors in your paper 4 Your sentences were varied, clear and generally effective Most elements of usage and mechanics were consistently correct There were few errors in your paper
Let’s move on then… Now that we know how the raters are scoring your essays, let’s take a look at what information you are given for the Gateway Writing Assessment.
What materials are you given for the Science Gateway? Each student will receive a Test Packet and Response Folder: Student Test Packets – The Student Test Packet contains : Cover sheet with directions Writing Task Page Supporting Documents “Citing Original Sources” Page Lined paper for planning and drafting Science test packets also contain graph paper No other scratch paper is allowed – You will use your Test Packet for your prewriting and drafts – NOTHING in your Test Packet will be scored.
Each student will receive a Test Packet and Response Folder: Response Folders – The Response Folder contains : Student Information and Demographics page “High School Gateway Checklist” Page 5 lined pages 1 page of graph paper. Note that while all folders include graph paper, not all test forms require the use of graph paper. – You will write your FINAL copy of your essay in PEN in your Response Folder. (If you need to graph: You will need to copy your final graphs into the Response Folder). – ONLY the essay and graphs in your RESPONSE FOLDER will be SCORED What materials are you given for the Science Gateway?
The Test Form/Task Page in your Test Packet: – Form Number You will need to mark this in a few places when you take the test. Your examiner will give you instructions on the day of the test. – Test Title – Scientific Background Information – Writing Task – List of Supporting Documents Breaking down the Test Packet: Test Form/Task Page
Test Form Number Scientific Background Writing Task Supporting Documents
Task Title The Task Title gives you the topic you will be writing about. – The Title will be the “big picture”. For the Science Gateway this is important because it tells you whether you will be focusing on chemistry or biology.
Scientific Background Scientific Background : – Gives the background information for your Writing Task. – This information should help you narrow down the broad topic given to you in the title. – The Scientific background gives you the basis for the Writing Task.
Writing Task Writing Task: – Tells you the context you should write in; letter, article, essay, etc. must be included – Also includes a bulleted list that explicitly tells you what must be included in your response
Supporting Documents Supporting Documents: – Documents that contain information that is meant to help you support your essay. AND – You must use these documents AND your prior knowledge to form a thorough response to the Writing Task Some possible scientific documents are : – Graphs – Diagrams – Equations – Tables
Supporting Documents: – At the bottom of your Task Page, you will have a list of the Supporting Documents that are related to the Writing Task. – These documents must be used to support your essay. Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents for “Cycling of Matter” Example: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents for “Cycling of Matter” Example: Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents for “Cycling of Matter” Example: Supporting Documents
“Citing Original Sources” Page Citing Original Sources: – Included in the test booklet to give you examples of how to cite information from the supporting documents Since they provide you with this page, it is important for you to correctly cite anything you use from the supporting documents.
“High School Gateway Checklist” Page High School Gateway Checklist: – Included in your response folder – Again, since they have provided a checklist for you…use it! – Refer to this checklist throughout your writing process to ensure you are fully developing and addressing your response, using information from the documents, organizing your ideas, and using correct conventions.
Now you know what the Gateway is, how it is scored, and what materials and information you will receive for the Gateway. 27