Present tense of Ser spanish 1 p. 19-21
Subject pronouns A subject pronoun replaces the name or title of a person or thing It acts as the subject of a verb For example, I ran or he talked In both English and Spanish subject pronouns are divided into three groups: first person, second person, and third person.
Singular & Plural Subject Pronouns First Person yo I nosotros nosotras we(masculine) we (feminine) Second Person tú usted (Ud.) you (familiar) you (formal) ustedes (Uds.) Third Person él ella he she ellos ellas they (masculine) they (feminine) Note* the second person is gender neutral Note**when conjugating Ud. and Uds. they use the third person forms
Present tense of ser Ser (to be) is used to identify people and things Singular Forms Plural Forms Yo Soy I am tú Eres You are (fam) Ud./él/ella Es You are (form); he/she is Nosotros Somos We are Uds./ellos/ellas Son You are (form); they are Tú you (my friend) are… Ud. you (person I just met/person of a title) are… Uds. you (people) are…
Uses of Ser Because ser denotes aspects of a persons identity, we can use ser to express a profession or occupation. When paired with the preposition “de”, Ser may also express possession. There is no equivalent of the English contraction “’s” (e.g. John’s). In place of an apostrophe, Spanish uses [noun] + de + [owner]. E.g., [El libro]es de [Michael]. When paired with the preposition “de”, Ser may also express origin. E.g. Yo soy de Costa Rica
Uses of Ser Unlike English, Spanish does not use the indefinite article (un, una) after a noun unless the noun is accompanied by an adjective or other description/ E.g. Maria es profesora: Maria is a teacher (Note: you do not need un before profesora) E.g. Maria es una profesora excelente: Maria is an excellent teacher. (Note: the use of una in this sentence descibes Maria as an excellent teacher, not her profession as an instructor).