Astrobiology in Brief with Dr. Harold Geller
A Universe of Life zSearching for life everywhere zPlanets, stars, galaxies, Big Bang yConception of size and distance zStars and the origins of chemicals zFormation of planets zDefining astrobiology – the science
The Science of Life in the Universe zAncient cosmologies zScience as a way of knowing zCopernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton zPseudoscience and nonsense
The Nature of Life zWhat is it? zCells zMetabolism zDNA zExtremophiles
The Geological History of the Earth zGeologic Timescale zPlate Tectonics zSolid Earth zGreenhouse Effect zRelative/Absolute Dating
The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth zOrigin of Life zProkaryotes zEukaryotes zOxygen in Air zImpacts & Extinctions zHuman Evolution
Searching for Life in the Solar System zEnvironmental Needs zIn the Solar System
Mars zScience Fiction zSearch for Life zMartian Meteorites zExploration
Life on Jovian Moons zEuropa zTitan zOthers
The Nature and Evolution of Habitability zHabitability Zone yPast, Present, Future
The Search for Habitable Worlds zPlanet Formation zExtrasolar Planets yDetection zEarth-like Planets?
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence zSETI zDrake Equation
Interstellar Travel zHow realistic? yEngineering yLimited by c zRelativity and time dilation zWormholes and hyperspace?
The Fermi Paradox zWhere are the aliens? zGalactic colonization zResolving the paradox
Contact – Implications of the Search and Discovery zCan we make contact yWhich kind 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd zContact implications
Astrobiology in One Sentence zThe universe is unimaginably large, and alive; you are not at the center of the universe; and, the way to know the universe is through science –Dr. Harold Geller HAVE A GREAT SUMMER