FIONA KERR Chief Executive Mental Health Helplines Partnership (mhhp)
Resourcing advice services in the new health service structure Introduction Introductions – name, position, organisation and reason for choosing this workshop A write-up will be available within the report or on the Symposium website Who will feedback the workshop’s 3 key points?
Advice services How have advice services been resourced within the current health structure? What has Citizens Advice been involved with so far in relation to: –NHS White Papers –Health and Social Care Bill –Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our strategy for public health in England –No health without mental health strategy
National dialogue and rollout – follow: –NHS Future Forum (see the Bill below) –No health without mental health strategy –Healthy Lives, Healthy People public health strategy –NHS Commissioning Board –Liberating the NHS: An Information Revolution –Big Society Health and Social Care Bill ( Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health ( Care Quality Commission Personalisation agenda Use your Citizens Advice (website) resources!
Emerging structures to engage with Health: –GP Commissioning Consortia –PCT contacts moving to GP Consortia Local authorities: –Directors of public health –Health and Wellbeing Boards –Local Healthwatch Both: Joint health and wellbeing strategies Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA’s) Contribute to consultations: –Consultation events in your area – Regional Voices, NAVCA Other providers: –Consider collaborative working, seek potential partners
Be equipped to evidence: How you effectively and efficiently deliver on current contracts How you will effectively and efficiently deliver on future contracts, including Outcomes you enable clients and staff (particularly volunteers) to achieve How you help to reduce inequalities How you do, or could, contribute to patients making informed choices If you contribute to public and patient involvement Contribution to improving health and wellbeing Collaborative working
Thank you Reflections on what you will take away and act on as a result of our discussions Fiona Kerr Mental Health Helplines Partnership