Lesson 12: Monologue, Soliloquy, Aside Pick up packet 2 and start filling in the images for the vocabulary terms
BR: Vocabulary Adjacent (adj) next toMy neighbor’s house is adjacent to ours. Alliance (n) unionAn alliance quickly formed while they were on the game show. Conjure (v) to summonSometimes the teacher thinks her students conjure up plans to make her life miserable. Discourse (v) to talk or communicate He likes to engage in lively discourse with his vistors. Doff (v) to removeHe doffed his cap as he introduced himself.
BR: Vocabulary Peril (n) danger; risk You will be in great peril if you do not step back from that ledge. Procure (v) to obtainShe managed to procure a ticket to the concert. Rancor (n) hatredShe answered her accusers calmly and without rancor. Retain (v) to keepIt is my hope that you retain an understanding of these words for your test! Woe (n) sadness; grief The city’s traffic woes are well-known.
Skills: Monologue A monologue is a _________________ by a character. Other characters appear on stage while the person delivering the monologue is on stage.
Skills: Soliloquy A soliloquy is a special type of monologue where the character ____________________________.
Skills: Aside An aside is a comment made by a character that is heard by the ____________________________ or another character but is not heard by ____________________________.
Skills Practice Open your books to Page 724 ( ) 1)What does the parenthetical citation mean? ( )
Skills Practice Who is speaking? Is this a monologue or a soliloquy? Explain. From page 725, write the Act number, scene number, and line number (correctly formatted) where an aside is made. Write out the line spoken as an aside.
Act 2, Ho! Open books to page 723! Scenes I and II Parts today will be: Narrator:Benvolio: Chorus:Mercutio: Romeo:Juliet:
Exit – Packet Work For the remainder of class, you may work in PARTNERS on scene I & II worksheets in your packet.