AVID Elective Grade 11 Action Plan Explanation
Choose a Subject Students will choose one core subject in which they want to improve History Language Arts Science Math Foreign Language
How Will I Improve My Grade? By taking Cornell Notes at least once a week in my chosen class Students will take Cornell Notes regardless of what is happening in class (a movie, presentations, review for a quiz/test, etc.)
How Will I Improve My Grades? By writing Enhanced Learning Logs at least once a week in my chosen class Enhanced Learning Logs will help students to review and process everything that they learned in their chosen class
How Will I Improve My Grade? Students will be responsible for creating study time in which they study content from their chosen subject Students will study in a room in the house with the least distractions (no phone, no television, no iPad—unless studying from it)
How Will I Improve My Grades? YOU will choose one other step which might include… Staying after school to study with a teacher (AVID Elective Teacher or Content Teacher) Attending one of the following after school study labs at least once a week: CMAC, History Forum, Writing Lab, Science Help, Coach’s Club, National Honor Society Tutoring
Don’t Forget… Each step of your plan needs to be signed by either your AVID Elective Teacher (for completion of Learning Logs / Cornell Notes) Parent / Guardian (for study time at home) Teacher in charge at CMAC, Writing Lab, History Forum, Science Help, Coach’s Club, National Honors Society Tutoring
How Will I be Graded? Please review the attached rubric to see how you will be graded at the end of this 5 week plan