Jeopardy Vocabulary TraitsVertebrates Compare/ Contrast Hodgepodge
Vocabulary Something that makes another creature different from another; trait A-1
Vocabulary An animal that lives by killing and eating another. A-2
Vocabulary place where an animal lives; home A-3
Vocabulary Major habitat where animals and plants depend upon one another A-4
Vocabulary The size of a picture or model in comparison to its actual size A-5
Traits Animals that are warm- blooded, have hair or fur, breathe through lungs, and reproduce live young B-1
Traits Animals that lay jelly- like eggs, breathe through gills and lungs, and have smooth, moist skin B-2
Traits Vertebrates that lay hard, brittle-shelled eggs, breathe through lungs,and are warm-blooded. B-3
Traits Animals that are cold blooded, breathe through lungs, and lay leathery eggs. B-4
Traits Creatures having hard scales, fins, and are cold-blooded. B-5
Vertebrates Turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles and alligators belong in this group. C-1
Vertebrates Species in this group include monkeys, humans, dogs, lions, whales, and dolphins. C-2
Vertebrates Frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts are included in this group. C-3
Vertebrates Angel, clown, trout, bass, minnows, and sunnies are species in this vertebrate group. C-4
Vertebrates This group includes parrots, robins, ostriches, crows, and blue jays. C-5
Compare/Contrast Both of these groups care for their young. D-1
Compare/Contrast These 3 groups are cold-blooded. D-2
Compare/Contrast The eggs of the bird are _____-shelled, whereas the eggs of the reptile are _____-shelled. D-3
Compare/Contrast Reptiles and fish both have scales. Contrast their skin covering. D-4
Compare/Contrast Contrast skin covering for all 5 vertebrate groups. D-5
Hodgepodge When a creature’s blood temperature stays the same no matter the temperature of its surroundings. E-1
Hodgepodge To sort or group by characteristics. E-2
Hodgepodge Animal with a backbone and a cranium. E-3
Hodgepodge Explain why mammals are considered the most advanced of the vertebrate groups. E-4
Hodgepodge When a creature’s blood temperature changes with the temperature of its surroundings. E-5