This task uses: Common Core State Standards Follow the directions below to complete this station activity. 1. Open Safari app on iPad. 2. Choose to from school list. 3. Click on to access Wonder’s website. 4. Log into Connect Ed to dashboard. 5.Click on to choose story from weekly readings. 6.Read story and use handout to make notes for creating story fan book Creating Story Fan Book 1. Open Power point app with fan book template. 2. Use teacher’s example fan book for help creating your fan book. 3. Save your fan book using Save As and rename using your name and assignment. 4. Save fan book to Your Connect Ed To Do notebook folder 5. Use Safari app to locate and download pictures to use in fan book. 6. Insert pictures, size, and choose frame. 7. Choose your own Font type and color for writing. 8. Fill in fan book using notes from handout. 9. Be sure to use complete sentences. Edit all writing using CUPS. 10. Check your work and submit finished fan book to Connect Ed To Do notebook folder. Are You a “Fan” of the Story? Objective: I can create a fan book that explains the parts of the story from this week’s Wonder’s lesson. LA.6.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL [Grade Level Standard] - Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
This task uses: Common Core State Standards Follow the directions below to complete this station activity. Are You a “Fan” of the Story? Objective: Objective: I can create a fan book that explains the parts of the story from this week’s Wonder’s lesson
The Tortoise and the Hare By Leila Miller Page 1 Example Fan Book
Character: Protagonist Tortoise- slow, persistent, determined Character Antagonist Hare fast, conceited, assuming Example Fan Book Page 2
Setting Conflict The setting is the trail the race takes place on. The hare challenges the tortoise to a race to prove who is faster. Example Fan Book Page 3
Resolution Theme: Moral of Story The tortoise wins the race by beating the hare to the finish line. Example Fan Book Page 4
Type Title Here By Your Name Template of Fan Book Delete this box, then paste picture here Delete this box, then paste your picture here
Protagonist Character: Type description of character here. Antagonist Character: Type description of character here. Delete this box, then paste picture here Delete this box, then paste picture here Template of Fan Book
Setting Conflict Type a description of the story’s setting here. Type a statement that explains the conflict here. Delete this box, then paste picture here Delete this box, then paste picture here Template of Fan Book
Resolution Theme: Moral of Story Delete this box, then paste picture here Delete this box, then paste picture here Type a statement that explains the resolution here. Type a statement that explains the theme here. Template of Fan Book