NICOTINE Powerfully addictive drug. When pure, it is a colorless, oily fluid with little odor, but a sharp burning taste. It is the MOST toxic poison. It acts as swiftly as cyanide!
EFFECTS OF NICOTINE Affects nervous, hormonal, digestive, and circulatory systems. Makes blood vessels constrict. Increases heart rate & blood pressure. (Triggers release of stress hormones.) Calms nerves Dulls taste buds Reduces feelings of pain Reduces feelings of hunger
WITHDRAWAL (FROM NICOTINE) Decrease in heart rate and blood pressure Headache Nausea Irritability Restlessness Drowsiness Inability to concentrate Craving for another dose
2 MILLION people die each year from smoking related diseases. (of those 2 million…..) (of those 2 million…..) 350,000 people die prematurely from smoking related diseases each year.