1 Carbon Offsetting The Qantas Group Experience Peter Broschofsky General Manager Environment and Fuel Efficiency APEC Transportation Working Group-Managing Aviation Emissions Kuala Lumpur 4 April 2008
2 Agenda Recent Developments in Australia Positioning Carbon Offset Within A Broader Climate Change Agenda Key Elements of the Qantas Group Program Multichannel Marketing Tailored To Brands Selection of Abatement Projects Our Results Lessons Learned Agenda
3 Australia signs Kyoto New Government Releases Climate Change Policy Mandatory Greenhouse Reporting commences in July 2008 Acceleration of Australian Emissions Trading implementation timetable Planning for commencement of New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme on 1 January 2009 Garnaut Review suggests that Climate Change impacts are worse than expected Competition Authority Targets Carbon Offsetting and ‘Green Marketing’ Recent Developments
4 Measure / Set Targets/ Transparency Reduce / Mitigate Offset Adapt For The Future Calculate Environmental/Carbon Footprint 2 million tonne saving in carbon emissions by % improvement in fuel efficiency Other waste reduction targets (water, waste, energy) Transparent Reporting (Carbon Disclosure Project, CSR) Improve efficiency – fuel conservation program Step change through new technology aircraft Collaborate to improve Airspace Management Launch ‘be green’, internal cultural change program Achieve Accreditation Launch voluntary customer offset program Offset Group work travel and ground equipment Lobby/Seed ‘R and D’, new airframes, alternative fuels, non Fossil Fuel engines, Support adaptation of ‘at risk’ nature-based destinations Climate Change Agenda
5 Key Elements
6 Marketing Tailored To Brands
7 Abatement
8 Takeup of the Jetstar program has been strong from launch and continues to increase Currently more than 12% of customers booking through jetstar.com.au Take-up of the Qantas carbon offsetting program remains less than 1% In line with our initial expectations and standard industry take up rates Enhancements to the Qantas program should lift take-up Marketing Tailored To Brands Our Results
9 Accreditation is absolutely critical Position a part of broader strategy Anticipate criticism Get legal involved as early as possible Ease of use delivers results Customers need to decide, ‘opt in or out’ Lessons Learned