A Network for Environmental Data Exchange: Highlights and Plans Gladys Cotter BIO, USGS 27 January 2004 Washington, DC National Biological Information Infrastructure science for a changing world
The NBII The NBII is an electronic gateway to biological data and information maintained by federal, state, and local government agencies; private sector organizations; and other partners around the nation and the world.
Thematic Infrastructure Regional NBII Node Structure
New Nodes/Initiatives Northeast Node (Columbia Univ./CIESIN) Mid-Atlantic Node (Virginia Tech) New partnership to develop the FRAMES Northwest Portal to provide “one-stop shopping” for resource managers, decision-makers, scientists, students, and communities who want to examine the results of efforts to understand and manage fuels on public lands in the region; assist fire research programs in making data and associated information available
Mapping Service Initiated at Pacific Basin Node Natural resource mapping service capability debuted in 2003 Partnership among various groups led by the Pacific Basin Node Connected to USGS National Map which provides 8 primary data layers
Towards Best Practices Electronic meeting place for submission and discussion of science-based publications that define state-of-the-art methodologies, protocols, applications, and analytical tools related to biocomplexity Co-sponsored with CSA 12 papers submitted for comment
Science Committee Formed Guides the NBII Program to ensure responsiveness to user and stakeholder needs Nationally and internationally known experts from the fields of biology, information, and computer science, and includes representatives from the USGS, the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA, the National Science Foundation, as well as the museum and university communities
Technologies BioBOT search interface translated to both Spanish and Portuguese; only English resources displayed 5-year plan for further developing the NBII Cataloging tool GIS DIGir work across the NBII network Increasing use of the portal
GLOBAL CBD Clearinghouse Mechanism (CHM) Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Global Earth Observation (GEO) REGIONAL Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) North American Biodiversity Information Network (NABIN) NATIONAL NBII (US) CBIN (Canada) REMIB (Mexico) ERIN (Australia) GAP Biodiversity Information State Natural Heritage Programs County Information LOCAL GEOPOLITICAL COLLABORATION
International Initiatives NBII named World Data Center for Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecology IABIN next step: $6M GEF grant proposal GBIF – contributed X million citations in our Museum collection contribution PBIF – newly emerging regional network NATO – STARnet is a major resource for the RTA
Opportunities for Cooperation Partner on international activities ( Conv. On Biodiv., GBIF, etc.) Dealing with the geo-referencing challenge International biodiversity & ecosystems vocabulary development Cooperation in standards- content and technology Agent technology development (EDEN)