Industry Consultation Workshop I: New Ontario Waste Diversion Funding Obligations
Tim Moore Waste Diversion Ontario Introducing Waste Diversion Ontario and Stewardship Ontario
Tight Timeframes Received 3 rd and final reading June 13 th, 2002 Granted royal assent and became law June 27 th Created a permanent Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) – first meeting Sept. 5 th First task: Design and implement program for funding “blue box” waste IFO (Stewardship Ontario) created – September 24 th CSR appointed IFO Secretariat – October 2 nd !Plan due on Minister’s desk February 28 th, 2003
Board Responsibilities WDO Board Manages planning process for designated materials Determines costs of recycling Develop targets Initiates IFOs Reviews and approves IFO plans Monitors and reviews programs
WDO Board Structure * 1 voting / 1 non-voting seat** non-voting seat Board Appointed by: Seats 4Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) 3CSR (FCPMC, CCGD, Refreshments Canada) 1Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association and the Canadian Paint and Coatings Association 1Retail Council of Canada 1Liquor Control Board of Ontario 1Canadian Newspaper Association 1Brewers of Ontario 2*Non-Public Sector (Recycling Council of Ontario; 1 outstanding) 1**Public Service of Ontario (appointed by the Minister)
IFO Responsibilities Industry Funding Organizations Develop / implement programs Determine cost allocation / financing mechanism Set de minimis Recruit members, collect fees & allocate funds Implement cost effectiveness / efficiency program for municipally run programs Market development program Promotion & education program Develop a dispute resolution mechanism Reporting
Stewardship Ontario MISSION: To discharge its members obligations at the lowest possible cost
FCPMC CCGD Refreshments Canada RCC CNA/OCNA CPCA/CCSPA LCBO Board expected to be expanded to 20(+) members Sectoral representation in proportion to financial contributions in first year IFO Founding Members
Broad Industry Input WDO Board of Directors WDO Working Group IFO/AMO Working Group Stewardship Ontario Board of Directors CSR: Corporations Supporting Recycling IFO Material and Packaging Advisory Committee IFO Printed Paper Sub-committee Data & Reporting Advisory Committee Website Industry 3-Part Consultation Program
Continuing Consultation Visit for details: Industry Workshop I – December 3 rd, 2002 – proceedings posted by December 10 th Web-cast on Industry Funding Formula – December 17 th, 2002 – support documents posted December 12 th Industry Workshop II on Draft Program Plan and Business Plan – January 16 th, 2003
Thank You