Dana Gibson › American Artist who first created pin-up Her series of paintings called “Gibson Girl” Became role model for 1920s women
Boyish style of dress › Short › Sleeveless › Low waistline Long hanging beads Cloche hat
Coco Chanel Paul Poiret Most famous was Coco Chanel Her trends are still in style today
Most women before 1920s did not wear makeup Flappers wore bright red lipstick and dark eyeliner Hair was cut short into a bob Carefree, boyish look
Pushed the envelope of what was “lady- like” Drank in public Drove cars Rode bicycles Smoked Had their own vocabulary
The flapper lifestyle wasn’t permanent Represented youth and freedom Most still planned on getting married and having a family It was only a phase
Popular flapper Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald known as ”flapper couple” Led a crazy life › Dived into the fountain in Union Square › Rode atop a moving taxi
Famous flapper and actress in 1920s Number one star in American in 1929 Made close to 50 films Was “the spirit of the Jazz Age” Considered a vamp