Neptune Kirsten Pokrywka Period 2
Historical Significance Real name is Poseidon Aegaeus. God of the Sea. Son of Cronus, the ruler of the Titians. Believed to be responsible for shipwrecks and drownings.
Background Info. Son of Cronus and Rhea. Brother of Hades and Zeus. White hair, green eyes, and weighed 625 pounds.
Stories/ Myths Cronus swallowed his children whole until Zeus released them out of his anus. If Neptune created the horse, he was likewise the inventor of chariot-races; in honor of Neptune and the Romans instituted horse- races in the circus during his festival, at which time all horses ceased from working, and the mules were adorned with wreaths of flowers.
Symbols Triton Chariot Sea
Strengths Immortal Shape shifter Heals fast Communicates with sea creatures Energy wielding powers Moves super fast
Weaknesses Warlike Moody Unpredictable
Quote from Macbeth Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red. -Macbeth, 2. 2 He wants Neptune to use the ocean since he is the god of the sea to wash the blood from his hand.
References th/p/Poseidon.htm gods/myths-about-the-roman-god-neptune.htm uotes_macbeth6.shtml