CMPF124 Personal Productivity with Information Technology Chapter 1 – Part 3 Introduction To Windows Operating Systems Windows Accessories Introduction To Windows Operating Systems Windows Accessories CMPF 112 : COMPUTING SKILLS
Objectives At the end of the lesson, you should be able to : –identify the types and functions of software/utilities provided with Windows OS –manipulate the software/utilities provided with Windows OS
Window OS Utilities There are several software or utilities that come with Windows OS when the OS is installed. These software can be found under the Accessories menu Click Start Click Programs Choose Accessories
Window OS Utilities
Accessories Menu The Accessories menu provides user with various tools and software that has been categorized under certain functions –Accessibility –Communications –Entertainment –Games –System tools –etc
1. Accessibility Menu The accessibility tools that ship with Windows are intended to provide a minimum level of functionality for users with special needs. –Accessibility Wizard –Magnifier –Narrator –On-Screen Keyboard –Utility Manager
Accessories Menu
2. Communications Menu The communications tools helps user to set up their internet connections, connect to a private network, connect to a host computer (telnet), etc –HyperTerminal –Network Connections –Network Setup Wizard –New Connection Wizard –Remote Desktop Connection –Wireless Network Setup Wizard
Network menu Network Connection does not listed at the start accessories
3. Entertainment Menu The entertainment menu provides user with: –Sound Recorder –Volume Control –Windows Media Player
W7 Entertainment The entertainment programs are contained in the All programs or Accessories list without grouping.
4. Games Menu Windows OS also provide games for user These games will help the user to improve their skills in using the mouse and also typing (drag and drop, right-click and double-click).
W7 Games Games is outside of the All programs list
5. System Tools Menu Windows OS are accompanied with several utility programs including Backup, Disk Cleanup, and Disk Defragmenter. Backup is a utility program that makes a copy of selected or all files that have been saved onto a disk.
W7 Systems tools
5. System Tools Menu Disk Defragmenter locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearrange files and unused disk space to optimize operations. When files are fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk each time the file is opened to find all of the file's parts, which slows down response time.
W7 Disk defragmenter
5. System Tools Menu Disk Cleanup identifies and eliminates non- essential files such as temporary internet files. This process will frees up valuable disk space and improves system performance.
Other Tools Windows OS also provide extra tools that can be used by the user to manage their daily task easily: –Address Book –Calculator –Command Prompt –Notepad –Paint –Windows Explorer –WordPad –etc
Other Tools The Address Book provides a convenient place to store contact information for easy retrieval from programs such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, NetMeeting, and Microsoft Phone System
W7 contacts W7 does not have address book but uses the user details window to add contact list
W7 calculator
Other Tools Command Prompt provide user with a window displayed on the desktop used to interface with the MS-DOS operating system. MS-DOS commands are typed at an entry point identified by a blinking cursor.
Other Tools Notepad is a basic text editor you can use for simple documents or for creating Web pages. To create or edit files that require formatting such as Bold, Italic and Underline, use WordPad NotepadWordPad
W7 WordPad
Other Tools Using Imaging (Windows 2000), you can view, annotate, and perform basic tasks with image documents, including fax documents. You can transfer pictures to Imaging from a digital camera or scanner, and you can view images as thumbnails.
Other Tools Paint is a drawing tool you can use to create black-and-white or color drawings that you can save as bitmap (.bmp) files. You can also use Paint to send your drawing in , set the image as a desktop background, and save image files using different file name
W7 Paint
Other Tools Windows Explorer displays the hierarchical structure of files, folders, and drives on your computer. It also shows any network drives that have been mapped to drive letters on your computer. Using Windows Explorer, you can copy, move, rename, and search for files and folders.
W7 Explorer