Visual and Performing Arts Theater/Drama Melanie, Jessica Z., Jessica B., and Jessica S.


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Presentation transcript:

Visual and Performing Arts Theater/Drama Melanie, Jessica Z., Jessica B., and Jessica S.

VAPA Framework: Theater ARTISTIC PERCEPTION Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory Information Through the Language and Skills Unique to Theatre Students observe their environment and respond, using the elements of theatre. They also observe formal and informal works of theatre, film/video, and electronic media and respond, using the vocabulary of theatre. CREATIVE EXPRESSION Creating, Performing, and Participating in Theatre Students apply processes and skills in acting, directing, designing, and scriptwriting to create formal and informal theatre, film/videos, and electronic media productions and to perform in them. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of Theatre Students analyze the role and development of theatre, film/video, and electronic media in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting diversity as it relates to theatre.

VAPA Framework: Theater AESTHETIC VALUING Responding to, Analyzing, and Critiquing Theatrical Experiences Students critique and derive meaning from works of theatre, film/video, electronic media, and theatrical artists on the basis of aesthetic qualities. CONNECTIONS, RELATIONSHIPS, APPLICATIONS Connecting and Applying What Is Learned in Theatre, Film/Video, and Electronic Media to Other Art Forms and Subject Areas and to Careers Students apply what they learn in theatre, film/video, and electronic media across subject areas. They develop competencies and creative skills in problem solving, com­ munication, and time management that contribute to lifelong learning and career skills. They also learn about careers in and related to theatre.

Chapter 11 Highlights Integrating Drama Throughout the Curriculum “Classroom/creative drama as an art that has one of the strongest research records for having an impact on academic learning” (p.363). The arts have the potential to transform parts of each individual’s worldview…drama brings new insights about life and stretches students to feel the joy and pain of together. This exceedingly rich array of experiences has the potential to transform how students see themselves within the larger context of humanity” (p.364). “Drama caused the lowest-scoring children to use comprehension strategies used by proficient readers because they become immersed in stories. By the end of the year, nine of ten students scored in the proficient or grade-level range (Adomat, 2009, p.365).

The Benefits of Incorporating Drama into the Classroom Increases motivation, concentration, and focus (p.370). Increases reading comprehension and writing fluency (p.371). Develops empathy (p.373)

Energizers & Warm-Ups Used to motivate, relax, and increase concentration and focus Stimulates the brain for creative problem solving Examples: Concentration Line Up Word Change Partner Search Two Facts and One Lie GREETINGS!

Strategy 1 Drama and Storytelling Seed Strategy Incorporating Literacy: Reading and Language Arts Showtime After reading a book, form groups to create a commercial, jingle, news update, or newsbreak about a theme/big idea in the book. Number groups in order of performance. Give 10 minutes to plan. The whole group comes back together and the show begins.

Strategy 2 Drama and Storytelling Seed Strategy Incorporating Math Number Talk Pairs or groups have a conversation, but each can only use the number of words designated by the teacher.

Strategy 3 Drama and Storytelling Seed Strategy Incorporating Social Studies Famous Portrait Monologues Use portraits of famous figures (e.g., US presidents). Students research persons in the art and prepare 1-minute monologues about the times, problems, values, economics, and customs. Monologues are presented in character in the first person.

Strategy 4 Drama and Storytelling Seed Strategy Incorporating Science Environmental Debate Example: In this strategy teachers can divide students into two teams to research an environmental idea. For example, “Should whales be hunted?” Students assume roles as either pro or con debaters. Each side presents an opening statement and then gives pros or cons in a time limit. After each side presents, give time for rebuttal and a summary statement from each side.

Standards Connected to Strategies Strategy 1: 5 th Grade Language Arts Comprehension and Analysis of Grade Level Text 2.3 Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas. 2.4 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge. Creative Expression Development of Theatrical Skills 2.1 Participate in improvisational activities to explore complex ideas and universal themes in literature and life. Strategy 2: 1 st Grade Theatre Standard: Creating, Performing, and Participating in Theatre Development of Theatrical Skills 2.1 Demonstrate skills in pantomime, tableau, and improvisation Math Standard Number Sense Students understand and use numbers up to 100: 1.1 Count, read, and write whole numbers to 100

Standards Connected to Strategies Strategy 3: Grade 2 History-Social Studies Content Standard Addressed People Who Make a Difference 2.5 Students understand the importance of individual action and character and explain how heroes from long ago and the recent past have made a difference in others’ lives (e.g., from biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Louis Pasteur, Sitting Bull, George Washington Carver, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Golda Meir, Jackie Robinson, Sallie Ride). Grade 4 Visual and Performing Arts (Theatre) Content Standards Addressed 2.0 Creative Expression Development of Theatrical Skills 2.1 Demonstrate the emotional traits of a character through gesture and action 2.3 Design or create costumes, props, makeup, or masks to communicate a character in formal or informal performances. Grade Connections, Relationships, Applications 5.1 Use theatrical skills to dramatize events and concepts from other curriculum areas, such as reenacting the signing of the Declaration of Independence in History-Social Science.

Standards Connected to Strategies Strategy 4: Grade 3 Life Science Standard Sub-Strand 3: Adaptations in physical structure or behavior may improve an organism’s chance for survival. As a basis for understanding this concept: Standard a: Students know plants and animals have structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction.

“Teaching Social Studies & Visual & Performing Arts in the Elementary School” Cornett Resources/Technology