What Leaders Do Five Practices Ten Commitments CredibilityCollaboration Strengthen Others The Secret To Success Application to Stages Model
The Five Practices Model the Way Encourage the Heart Enable others to Act Challenge the Process Inspire a Shared Vision
Model the Way Encourage the Heart Enable others to Act Challenge the Process Inspire a Shared Vision Behavior Wins Respect Clear About Their Principles Lead by Example Clear Communication of Direction Even Minor Details are Important
Inspire a Shared Vision Model the Way Encourage the Heart Enable others to Act Challenge the Process Speak their Language Understand Their Needs Ignite Passion with Enthusiasm Inspire Commitment (not Command it) Dialogue (not Monologue)
Challenge the Process Model the Way Encourage the Heart Enable others to Act Inspire a Shared Vision Seek and Accept the Challenge No fear of Changing from Status Quo Challenge System Recognize and Support New Ideas Learn from Success and Failures
Enable Others to Act Model the Way Encourage the Heart Challenge the Process Inspire a Shared Vision Team Effort (Never an Individual) Frequency of the Use of the Word We Empower them to Ownership Enable them to Feel Strong, Capable and Committed Strengthen their Capacity to Deliver
Encourage the Heart Model the Way Enable others to Act Challenge the Process Inspire a Shared Vision Genuine Acts of Caring Show Appreciation for Contributions Recognition and Celebration Show Encouragement Link Rewards to Performance Share Vision to Align them with Cherished Values
The Ten Commitments Model the Way Encourage the Heart Enable others to Act Challenge the ProcessInspire a Shared Vision Find your voice by clarifying your personal values Set the example by Aligning Actions with Shared Values Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations Search for opportunities by seeking innovative ways to change, grow and improve Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trust Strengthen others by sharing power and discretion Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community
Credibility Honest 88% Leaders who do what they say they will do: Forward-Looking 71% Competent 66% Inspiring 65% Practice what they preach Walk the talk Act consistent with their words Put their money where their mouth Follow through with their promises
Facilitate Positive Interdependence Support Face-to-Face Interactions Create a Climate of Trust Fostering Collaboration “(The) challenge is to instill confidence in (team members) and help them recognize their abilities.” p. 279
Facilitate Positive Interdependence Support Face-to-Face Interactions Create a Climate of Trust Fostering Collaboration “Collaboration is the critical competency for achieving and sustaining high performance.” p. 242 Trust others Listen! Make yourself vulnerable Be open to influence
Facilitate Positive Interdependence Support Face-to-Face Interactions Create a Climate of Trust Fostering Collaboration “Collaboration is the critical competency for achieving and sustaining high performance.” p. 242 Trust others Listen! Make yourself vulnerable Be open to influence Reward Joint Effort Support Norms of Reciprocity Develop Cooperative Goals and Rules
Facilitate Positive Interdependence Support Face-to-Face Interactions Create a Climate of Trust Fostering Collaboration “Collaboration is the critical competency for achieving and sustaining high performance.” p. 242 Trust others Listen! Make yourself vulnerable Be open to influence Reward Joint Effort Support Norms of Reciprocity Develop Cooperative Goals and Rules Sustain Ongoing Interactions Link to the Human Network Connect Others to Sources of Power Share Information and Resources Develop Social Awareness and Social Skills
Ensure Self- Leadership Provide Choice Develop Competence And Confidence Foster Accountability Generate Power All Around Strengthen Others “(The) challenge is to instill confidence in (team members) and help them recognize their abilities.” p. 279 “Feeling powerful…comes from a deep sense of being in control of life.” p. 282 “We become most powerful when we give our own power away.” p. 284 “With increased discretion comes an increased ability to use and expand our talents, training and experience. The payoff is improved performance.” p. 291 “…leaders act as coaches, helping others to use their skills and talents, as well as learn from their experiences.” p. 298 “Accountability results in feelings of ownership, that we – not someone else – have the responsibility for what’s going on around us.” p. 301