The health benefits of physical activity Why do you participate in physical activity? List 5 physical benefits for YOU in participating in physical activity. List 5 social benefits for YOU in participating in physical activity. List 5 emotional benefits for YOU in participating in physical activity.
The health benefits of physical activity Physical activity is not everything! It is only one part of a healthy lifestyle made up of a healthy diet, high self- esteem, resilience, health weight and not smoking. Socio- economic factors such as income, education, transport and culture also have an impact upon an individual.
Physical inactivity Physical inactivity is linked to many health related conditions 1. What is the definition of obesity? 2. List 5 of some of the main health problems linked to obesity 3. What is the difference between types 1 and 2 diabetes? 4. Why is diabetes considered to be a lifestyle disease? 5. Considering social, cathartic and ascetic experiences, how can physical activity benefit depression, anxiety and social isolation? 6. How can physical activity benefit those suffering from hypertension, cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol?
1. How can physical activity benefit older adults? 2. What are the financial costs of making our lifestyle easier? 3. How much exercise should Australians be participating in to achieve appropriate levels of wellbeing?
1. How do individual reasons change through their lifespan? 2. How can gender affect participation in physical activity? 3. Why would snow skiing and sailing be limiting sports in regard to participation in physical activity? 4. List 5 beneficial affects of multicultural Australia in regard to participation in physical activity.
Social reasons Parents Schools/workplaces Peers The media Physical/environmental reasons
Stages of change theory as a model of behaviour helping us to understand why we participate in physical activity Interview your parents utilising the stages of change theory (pages 264 – 265). Ask about their experiences of these stages.
Consider the 21 tips for getting more action into your day. During your parent interview suggest some of these tips as possibilities for increasing their involvement in physical activity. Which ones would suit them most? Why? List 5 pieces of advice that you would give a person who is beginning to start a program of walking each day? Explain this advice.