Poet Nikki Giovanni was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, on June 7, Although she grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, she and her sister returned to Knoxville each summer to visit their grandparents. Nikki graduated with honors in history from her grandfather's alma mater, Fisk University. Since 1987, she has been on the faculty at Virginia Tech, where she is a University Distinguished Professor.
Some people forget that love is tucking you in and kissing you 'Good night' no matter how young or old you are Some people don't remember that love is listening and laughing and asking questions no matter what your age Few recognize that love is commitment, responsibility no fun at all unless Love is You and me
Write a poem, story or essay about your definition of what “love is…” Be sure to use concrete details like Nikki Giovanni rather than abstractions. Or, if you’d rather, write about what love is not… And here’s Nikki Giovanni on love… And here’s Nikki Giovanni on love…