2 Landmarks of the Skull 2
3 Santa Cruz Skull
4 Fetal skull : sutures 4
5 Cranial bones & Facial bones 5
6 Coronal suture Sagittal suture Lambdoidal suture Sutures 6
7 Anterior cranial fossa Middle cranial fossa Posterior cranial fossa 7
8 Lateral view sutures Squamous suture 8
9 Cranial bones & Facial bones 9
10 Cranial Vault Bones Frontal Parietal (2) Occipital Temporal (2) Ethmoid Sphenoid 10
11 Temporal bone Styloid process External acoustic meatus Mastoid process Mandibular fossa Zygomatic process 11
12 Sphenoid Bone 12
13 Sphenoid bone Greater wing Lesser wing Sella turcica Foramen rotundum Foramen ovale Foramen spinosum 13
15 Ethmoid bone Cribiform plate Crista galli - Latin cockscomb as in chicken/rooster Perpendicular plate
16 Occipital bone Foramen magnum Occipital condyles External occipital protuberance 16
18 Trajectory of bullet no damage to brain stem Missing bone replaced by cranioplasty
19 Facial Bones of the skull anterior view Maxilla (2) Zygomatic (2) Nasal (2) Lacrimal (2) Inferior nasal concha (2) Vomer Palatine (2) Mandible 19
20 Mandible Mandibular condyle Coronoid process Mental foramen Mandibular foramen 20 TMJ
21 Tarsiers Each eyeball is the size of their brain Relative to weight, largest eye of any animal
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23 Andreas Vesalius 1542