Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Chile Puente in the Caribbean Francisco Pilotti Director Department of Social Development and Employment (DDSE) “Network-Based Capacity Building on Social Protection Strategies for the Caribbean”
Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Specific Objective Enhanced institutional capacity to develop social protection strategies in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and St. Lucia through the transfer of knowledge, skills and lessons learned from the Chile Puente Program General Objective Improve the quality and coverage of the social protection programs in participating countries
Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Partners Canadian International Development Agency
Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Planning Meeting, OAS.FOSIS March 2007 January February MarchApril MayoJune 2008 Follow up in Trinidad & Tobago: site visitors and tutors from Chile Follow up in St. Lucía: site visitors and tutors from Chile Permanent academic support by UWI Closure of the first stage of the program Planning Meeting, OAS,FOSIS,UWI May June Chile Puente in the Caribbean Workshop, Jamaica October November XIV Annual Meeting of the Social Network,(Brasil) Internships, Chile November Evaluation workshop and Planning for future activities workshop Follow up in Jamaica: site visits by tutors from Chile Permanent communication and support through virtual tools: website, online forum,etc
Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Program Launching Kingston Jamaica, June, 2007 Objectives To formally launch the OAS program, “Network-Based Capacity Building on Social Protection Strategies for the Caribbean” To bring together for the first time, the main actors involved in the program (and other relevant stakeholders) to share their experiences, needs and expectations of the program. To develop a work-plan for each of the three beneficiary Caribbean countries and elaborate the methodology of the program. “Network-Based Capacity Building on Social Protection Strategies for the Caribbean”
Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States Program Launching Kingston Jamaica, June, 2007 ActivitiesExpected Outcomes Presentation: Caribbean Reality: Poverty and Development To share a general vision of the current socioeconomic situation in the Caribbean Presentation of the Puente Program To make known, the lessons learnt and the institutional context for the establishment for the Social Protection System in Chile Presentation of the Puente Toolkit To share the essential components of the Puente Program “Network-Based Capacity Building on Social Protection Strategies for the Caribbean”
Department of Social Development and Employment Organization of American States ActivitiesExpected Outcomes Elaboration of the country work plan Develop a social protection strategy for each country, highlighting the tasks and challenges involved Virtual Forum LaunchingPresentation of a communication strategy for the transfer program Program Launching Kingston Jamaica, June, 2007 “Network-Based Capacity Building on Social Protection Strategies for the Caribbean”