Request Continued support of Provitalization Plan and aligned strategies Individual participation in Community Perception Survey of Downtown “Word out” Importance of survey Insight & Expertise
Decision to focus on two main events Summer & Winter (Hometown Christmas) PLUS two main promotional campaigns Targeting out of town population Addressing knowledge gap with at-home population
Business Retention and Expansion Community Perceptions of Downtown
Gathering of “business intelligence” “An ongoing cooperative effort between business, local government, agencies, other organizations and people in the community with the purpose of identifying opportunities and actions to assist local businesses in expansion, the retention and creation of jobs and the diversification of the local economic base, as well as the implementation of defined actions to improve the local business climate.”
One on one interviews with downtown businesses BR+E tool developed by the provincial government Adapted to unique conditions Addresses Recommendation #1: Encouraging Economic Development involves the strategies of: Strategy 1.1: Prepare current downtown commercial analysis. Strategy 1.2: Recruit downtown commercial investment. Example of tool items Business inventory Own/rent, utilities, square footage, employees, primary products Business Vision
Do you have plans to EXPAND or MOVE your business in the next year? (Mark ALL that apply) I plan to open an additional location downtown. I plan to open an additional location outside of downtown. I plan to expand my business at the current location. I plan to move to a new location downtown I plan to move to a new location outside of downtown I don’t have any plans for changes. I plan to close. With your business in mind, what specific RETAIL stores would you like to see locate in downtown Kincardine. Please list up to three retail store categories. (If helpful, include the names of local or national chains, franchises, or independent local businesses) BUSINESS SYNERGY COPY APPENDED
Identified gap in community knowledge and investment in downtown retailers & services Improve communication Build on vested interest in downtown Addresses Strategy #2.5 of the Provitalization Plan Determining and Accessing Community Perceptions of downtown Successful precedents (e.g., Goderich)
Distribution Major Stakeholders (hard copy) Community Groups and Organizations (hard copy) Survey Monkey Facebook Press release Website Linkage
Project TaskTime Frame Development of BR+E Survey + Community Perceptions Survey COMPLETED Post Tools on Survey MonkeyCOMPLETED Administer BR+EFeb.-Mar. Release and Collect Community PerceptionsFeb.-Mar. Analysis and ReportMar.-Apr. PresentationMay NOTE: All funds from Futures are to be spent by March 31, 2010
Request Continued support of Provitalization Plan and aligned strategies Individual participation in Community Perception Survey of Downtown “Word out” Importance of survey Insight & Expertise