100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt 100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt Source: TGI 2011 Q1 Social network users by media quintile Social network users are 34% more likely to be frequent responders to direct mail than the average UK adult
100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt 100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt Social network users are frequent responders to direct mail 8.2m social network users have responded to direct mail in the past 12 months including 4.385m who have used a voucher and 5.6m who have ordered something Source: TGI 2011 Q1
100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt 100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt Social network users don’t just respond to direct mail via the post 8.2m social network users have responded to direct mail in the past 12 months including 3.451m via the Internet and 3.249m who have visited a store Source: TGI 2011 Q1
100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt 100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt Source: BMRB 2010 Social Network Users Attitudes to Mail 81% of social network users like receiving vouchers and coupons by post 40% like to receive customer magazines
100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt 100% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 255 | 0 | 0 100% grey 72 | 92 | 99 50% Aqua 0 | 153 | % Red 72 | 92 | 99 60% grey 72 | 92 | 99 30% Aqua 0 | 153 | 160 Type: Tahoma Headline Bold 16pt Body Text 14 pt Sub bullets 12pt Source: BMRB 2010 Social Network Users Attitudes to Mail 71% of social network users are more likely to open their post If it contains a magazine