Miscarriage By: Faiza Ahmed
What/Why? Miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy in the first 20 weeks Most women know they have a miscarriage when their period begins in the first few weeks of pregnancy Most miscarriages happen when there's something not correct with the babies chromosomes so fertilized eggs can't develop normally
Risks of Miscarriage Older women higher at risk of getting miscarriage History of miscarriages Chronic diseases or disorders Smoking/drinking/using drugs Infections Obesity/anorexia
After Effects If the miscarriage is in the first trimester you can’t see the fetus its less then a cm long mixes in with blood and clots Some are sadly flushed down the toilet or absorbs back into the lining of womb fetus is sent hospital morgue and if less than weeks family chooses to dispose the remains themselves or the hospital If miscarriage or spontaneous abortion happens around 6-7 months baby comes out like live baby doctors may pull babies limb, torso, head by pieces & later have it buried or cremated
Weird/Cool Facts Beyoncé, Whitney Houston, and Mariah Carrey all had one or more miscarriages during their marriage Oprah at the age 14 had an unwanted pregnancy but ended up being a miscarriage and she was relived Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Citations nding-miscarriage_252.bc nding-miscarriage_252.bc content/uploads/2012/02/The- Miscarriage.jpg content/uploads/2012/02/The- Miscarriage.jpg ycomplications/miscarriage.html ycomplications/miscarriage.html