The State of the Ocean Climate: climate indices and their uncertainty as a measure of our ability to observe the ocean Albert Fischer, Ed Harrison, Gildas Mainsant Ocean Sciences 2008 Orlando FL, USA, 5 March 2008
The open-ocean component of GOOS Designed for climate research, monitoring, forecasting, as well as global operational oceanography Implementation via national regional ocean agencies, research institutions, individual scientists at the international level: an alphabet soup of organizations and structures –high-level political lobbying –ground-level coordination of implementation and standards –capacity-building ultimate goal: a sustained ocean observing system serving data and information for climate and other societal benefit
System design October 2004 September 2006
The open-ocean component of GOOS
‘Real-time’ monitoring of the state of the ocean climate Evaluation of the observing system –as an early complement to Observing System Evaluation (OSE) and Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) Communication about the importance of observing the ocean and sustaining the observing networks
The State of the Ocean climate At-a-glance overview of ocean climate variability A tool for communication about the ocean observing system and the need for evaluation and evolution In constant development –currently appropriate for an informed audience –need more information about impacts of climate variability –your input welcome Thanks to co-authors (Harrison and Mainsant), R. Reynolds, S. Pouliquen and P.-Y. Le Traon (Coriolis), IRI, CLIVAR Basin Panels. Also to other efforts: PMEL TAO, AOML, CPC, BAMS yearly review article...
10 years since OceanObs’99 (San Rafael): September 2009, Venice, Italy Celebrate achievement: strong growth in routine and systematic observations of the world’s oceans Emphasize benefits for science, society Sell the need to sustain the system Revisit current recommendations New opportunities –biogeochemical state of the oceans –status of marine ecosystems